Chapter - 8 Aunt

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Serena POV

 I glared up at the morning sky. I woke up at 3 in the morning. My head heavy with thoughts. My heart hollow. Today is my wedding day. The day I fantasized about in my childhood. The day I walk with my dad. 

The words my dad engraved in my head was haunting me.

'You are my daughter and my daughters never break. They are born to rule.' 

Dad, Mom, Emily... I love you guys.

I took my sharpie and wrote it down in the mirror.

Alferos never fall, we rule the world.

I drew the tattoo my dad had. It was an of a devil. I took my family photo and stared at my family. They will be unhappy that I have to marry their murderer. They knew marriage for me was always a one-time thing. I wanted to love and spend my whole life with a single person.

I will kill, Nixon. I will kill him in cold blood and move away. I will fucking run until I die. 

I turned as soon there was a knock at my door. I put on a robe and went to the door opening it. Petite women and a small girl stood there smiling.

"Who are you?" I asked, my hand running through my wild hair. Taming it.

"We were sent to get you ready for the wedding." She explained. I groaned.

"Wait in the room beside." I stated. They nodded walking away. I never allow anyone in my room. My personal space. I took a quick bath and went to the room. They waited for me patiently.

"Relax." The women said as she took me to a chair in front of a mirror. I sat down as they started their work. My hair was blown dry, which I never cared to do. She combed my hair pulling it up twisting it. Setting it in a loose bun. 

I closed my eyes, letting her do her job. Her hands moving smoothly as she took some strands of hair pinning it.

She moved away for few minutes and came back. She applied something cold on my face, as she smoothed it on my skin. Her hands were fast and quick. I had no idea when was the wedding, who was called and what was actually happening.

But one thing was embedded in my head. I am getting married to my parent's killer. The guy who had my happy life turned upside down.

"Done." The women exclaimed. I took a look at myself in the mirror. She did perfectly. My hair bun with few loose strands, flowers placed around and my minimal makeup was perfect but I wasn't in the position to enjoy this day.

"She looks like a Princess." That little girl exclaimed as she lifted her arms for me to lift her. 

"Amber, No." Her mom scolded her.  I lifted her. Kissing her cheek.

"Momma, She is our family." Amber chirped cutely. I raised my eyebrow at her mom to explain.

"I am Nixon's Aunt, Clair." She smiled. I nodded. 

"How old are you, Amber?" I asked her sweetly. Her red hair braided beautifully. Her blue eyes stood out.

"9!" She exclaimed. I placed a small kiss on her head. 

"Let me get your dress." Clair said as she went to the cupboard. She took out the wedding dress. It was beautiful. Lace dress with a tinge on peach colour. Amber ran out leaving us to dress. I stripped down as slipped into the dress. It was a perfect fit. Clair helped me. 


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I stood in front of the mirror admiring the beautiful dress

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I stood in front of the mirror admiring the beautiful dress. It looked perfect and dreamy. Clair smiled.

"Thank you." I muttered. She hugged me from behind. The door opened revealing Maxim. He strode in. 

"You look beautiful, Serena." He stated. I nodded.

"I won't run." I stated as I saw the doubt in his eyes. He thought I would fucking run. I won't.

"Are you ready? Everything is ready." He sighed, holding his hand out. I took it when the door slammed open. Will stood there.

"You will not walk her down the aisle." He snapped at my uncle.

"I will." Maxim scowled. Will glared.

"You don't deserve it. " Will snapped taking my hand in his as he pulled me out.

"What?" I asked confused.

"You will thank me later." He kissed my cheek as the music started. My eyes stayed on Will's face as we walked down the aisle. His face was stone cold. His grip on my hand told me he was furious. 

We reached Nixon and Will turned to me. He leaned in to kiss my cheeks but a loud growl stopped him. He smiled sadly as he left a kiss on the crown of my head as he gave my hand to Nixon. Nixon pulled me up, away from Will. 

"You may leave." Nixon said in a hard tone. 

"Take care, Serena." He muttered as he walked away. He strode towards Maxim. Maxim's eyes hardened as he argued. 

The priest started to recite as I stared at Will. His hands fisted as he talked with one of our men.

"Serena." I heard my name called. I turned to see the priest and Nixon staring at me. Almost towering me.

"I do." I whispered. The ring was given and he slipped the ring in my finger and I did the same. He leaned in.

"You look stunning." He whispered as he leaned back. 

"Now I may announce Nixon Casanova and Serena Alfero, lawfully wedded husband and wife." The priest stated. 

"Good." Nixon muttered his eyes on me.

"You may now kiss the bride." Nixon leaned in brushing his lips on mine. 

"Mine Forever." He lowly growled as he captured my lips into a hungry kiss. His hand going to my waist as his hungry mouth swallowed mine. My eyes shuttered close as his tongue met mine, fighting for dominance.

I froze when I heard it. Glasses of the church shattering as screams of women married the air. The sound ringing through the air.



Hey guys!!

How is life? I don't what is happening to mine. My goal changed completely this year. My eyes at one thing that I am afraid that I will go for it and leave everything behind. My world was small. So, small it felt good until I learnt about the sins and all. It feels heavy on me. I feel like a murderer even though I never hurt an animal. 

Who else have dark eyes? 

I have! Dark brown eyes. You will see black unless you analyze deeply. It feels good. Having dark eyes. The way you can give cold glares. Make people feel bad about existing. The best part I love about myself is the twinkling of my eyes when I am happy or really enjoying doing something. Trust me, the twinkles give trouble. People around you find out easily if something is troubling you.

Question of the day:-

What is the most daring thing you have done in your life?

Mine was when I left my classes to roam and take pics around my school with my friends on our last day. Trust me it was fun. The acting of finding someone when a teacher passes by you. I felt alive. The fear of getting caught and the rush. The whispers and the feel of doing something I shouldn't do. My parents don't know and if they knew I would be grounded for basically bunking my classes. 

Ruthless Souls       (Ruthless Series # 1)  |✔|Where stories live. Discover now