Chapter - 15 Cozy

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Serena POV

I rolled around looking for the comfortable pillow I slept on at night. The warm and soft with hardness one. The one with arms and legs. Add a face of perfection.

My eyes peered open when I didn't get what I wanted. I looked around for him but ended disappointed. He was gone. Just like the moon. Only seen during nights.

I freshened up and slipped into the black jean and a black crop top. I pulled my hair up into a ponytail and applied a little makeup. I strode out. No one was on my way. Not even Erik. I picked the apple and went to my bike. I slipped on my helmet and drove to my home. 

The cars and bikes parked told me that everyone was already there for the meeting. I walked into the room. The seat beside Will was empty which I soon occupied.

"You are late." I heard Maxim say. I looked at him coolly.

"Hard night. Less sleep." I stated. I saw Viktor clench his fist.

"Getting cosy with the enemy." Viktor snapped. I raised my eyebrow at him.

"You got a problem with that? You were the one who was so excited to marry me off to him." My tone was icy cold. He glared at me. 

"Serena, you are not supposed to be cosy with that monster." Maxim hissed. His eyes narrowed at me. 

"Blame the guy sitting beside me." I shrugged. 

"What did I do?" Will asked innocently. Well, that was way too poor acting. All the glares were on him.

"She needed a good fuck. Being so uptight might kill her." Will said, sending me a wink. My jaw ground against each other as I resisted the urge to put a fucking bullet between his eyes. 

"Serena, you will not near Nixon until I say so." Maxim said sternly. 

"He is my husband." I gritted those words through my teeth.

"And I don't think I need to remind you what is the reason why you agreed to be his wife." Those words were like knives stabbing my heart. The reality was the reality. No one can change the fact that he killed my family.

"No." the word held no emotion. Plain and cold.

"Good. Now about the alliance with New York." Maxim started. 

"We have scheduled a meeting on Monday. The meeting is to hold in a restaurant. He insisted the presence of Nixon." Maxim's eyes hardened at that name.

"Why Nixon?" He asked.

"He might have some previous business connections with him."  Vitali mused. He was being good to me since I helped his daughter. He even opposed Viktor when I was supposed to marry Nixon.

"Serena should accompany him." Chris said. 

"Will be also going." Maxim finished. I heard Will pump his fist in the air. Crazy.

"And you will be careful." Maxim comment was directed to me. I knew what he meant. Don't fall for him.


The meeting got over soon. I walked out but was topped by Maxim. His expression was stoic. 

"I know." I snapped before he can scold me.

"Good. I taught you things, Serena. Don't trust anyone." He said coldly. My eyes went to Will who stood away. His expression was unreadable. He stared at Maxim in......disgust?

"I need to go now." Maxim said as he walked away. I turned to Will but he was already out. 

I walked beside him. His face was blank. With no funny usual smile.

"Are you okay?" I asked him. He gave me a glare.

"I am." The hard tone had me looking at him confused.

"What happened?" I demanded. He turned to me fully.

"For once, Serena. Once. Think. Use your brain and look through the curtain of revenge. I know you are not a fool. You are daughter of Vladimir. Don't let him down." He whisper-yelled. I gulped at the fire burning in his eyes. 

"Will." I whispered. None of that made sense.

"Think Serena. You are not a fool." With those words, he stormed out. He left me staring into the space as my brain tried to make some sense. What the fuck? Why is he so furious?

"Serena." I was pulled off my thought when Vitali called me. I turned giving him my full attention.

"Vitali." I nodded for him to continue.

"I need your help." He said, seriously.

"Go on." I said waiting patiently.

"I want you to take Khristina with you when you leave Bratva." I looked at him as if he grew three heads.

"What?" I asked shocked.

"I overheard the conversation." He said, looking guiltily. 

"Why?" I asked after I overcame the shock.

"She killed someone who she wasn't supposed to. If Maxim finds out he with tear her into shreds. I need your help." He said with a pain-filled voice. He loved his daughter. After his wife died he was so devastated. The only thing keeping him sane was his daughter.

"I will keep her safe." I promised even though my life would leave my body at any time. 

"Thank you so much, Serena. I owe you so much." He said. I hugged him and walked to my bike. I started and drove back to the devil's lair. The security was dense. I walked in and saw the devil himself sitting on a chair. His eyes were on his phone. His black shirt looked so perfect. He looked so delicious. Yesterday he saw me. Having nightmare. Fuck.

I tiptoed toward my room. I froze when I heard him.

"Where were you?" He asked calmly.

"Maxim." I said lowly.

"And?" He asked his eyes still on his phone.

"A meeting that's all." I said. His eyes looked up and met mine. 

"You feel better?" He asked. I nodded. His tone was emotionless. Most of the time it is that way. 

"Come here." He said as he slipped his phone into his pocket. 

"No." I denied.

"Are you saying no to me, wife?" He asked darkly. I bit my lip nervously. Will he spank me again?

"You want me to repeat yesterday's events, don't you?." He asked darkly to which had my heart Overspeed.

Yes!!! My inner self screamed.

"Fine." I snapped as I walked to him. His arm wrapped around my waist and pulled me onto his lap. A squeak came out of my mouth. I tried to wiggle out but he held me still in his iron grip. He is no human. God? How is he this strong?

"Stop fighting." He whispered as his lips grazed the shell of my ear. I shuddered.

"O-Okay." I stuttered, I cursed myself inside as I gained my posture. My inner self prayed wishing he will forget yesterday but no. God really hates me.

"Now, Tell me about y
our nightmare?"

Hey guys!!!

Sorry for not updating sooner. The shifting and unpacking were going on. By the way. I have finally arranged my cupboard and everything. Life is back to normal.

I miss my bestie!!!

Question of the day:-

What colour would you dye your hair if you want to?

Please make me smile by clicking the star!!

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