Chapter - 10 Surprise

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Serena POV

I woke up early. Like always. Three in the morning. My eyes wide open. I turned around to watch Nixon. He was deep asleep. I could easily kill him. So fucking easy. He killed my family. He is so close that I can choke him with my own hands.

But I didn't. I just stared at his face. Beautifully sculpted. His long eyelashes. His jet black hair messed up. The moonlight made his figure clear and visible. My eyes trailed down to his lips. I loved them on mine. He tasted fresh and manly. His words echoed in my head.

I am not a rapist.

My tongue slid over my lip trying to get the taste of him from the earlier kiss. No doubt his name is Casanova. It suits him. Women will fall on their knees and do anything just to touch him. But he is mine.

My eyes moved lower. His chest. A scar of a gunshot was visible. Some more scare married to his skin. My finger moved to him, tracing the scars.

"Why aren't you asleep?" A deep voice made me jump. My eyes snapped up to meet those blue ones. His eyes boring into mine.

"You know, right? I can kill you in sleep." I said. He kept quiet, his eyes still locked with mine.

"I know." He whispered back after few minutes.

"Then why?" I asked, curiously.

"Because we are alike, Serena." He stated. My face twisted in pure confusion.

"How?" I asked. He pulled me closer. I let him.

"Because we both are ruthless souls wanting the final piece of our life. The difference is that I had my puzzle completed. I am headed to the last stage of my game and your puzzle has missing pieces but still, you managed to reach the last stage of your own game." He said.

"All that is keeping you from finishing is the lost pieces, Serena." I looked at him shocked. He knew I don't remember that day. My past. It is just a blur.

"How?" I asked, my voice low and fragile.

"I just know." He stated as he pushed down my head so it was over his heart.

"Your heart is gonna stop because of me." I said, threat in my tone loud and clear.

"I don't care. Sleep." He whispered as he drew circles on my back making me sleepy. My eyes shut close as I drifted to my dreamland.


My eyes opened slowly as my eyes adjusted with sunlight. The sun was shining bright. What time is it?

I looked up at the clock to see that it is past noon. The bed was empty. No sound of the shower. I got up slowly as went to the bathroom. I ran my hand through my hair taming the nest. Fuck, Did he see me like this before he left?

I look like a witch with nest hair. I combed in and pulled it into a bun. I brushed my teeth as I realized that after so many years I had a good sleep.

I took a bath and slipped into one of Nixon's shirts and boxers. I went downstairs as my eyes wandered around. I roamed around the hallways.

"Searching for something?" I heard a voice call out behind me. I turned around to see the guy I threw a knife at. His hand bandaged. His eyes went up and down my body. A smirk forming.

"It seems Nixon had claimed you whole, last night." I ignored his words.

"Kitchen." I stated. He leads the way.

"Our first meeting wasn't pleasant. I am Erik." He said. His voice was hard as he held his wounded hand.

"Thank you." I muttered as soon we got to the kitchen. I opened the fridge to see eggs and other food items.

"Russian bitch says thank you." Erik mocked lowly, behind me.

"American bitch does." I stated, calmly as I took out the vegetables that I need to make a sandwich.

"You are American?" He asked surprised. I nodded.

"Half. Dad Russian and Mom American." I said as I cut the vegetables.

"Interesting." He muttered as he sat down in one of the chairs. I arranged the vegetables in between two pieces of bread. I used some sauce. I made two sandwiches. I took them placing them on the table, sitting down.

"Another surprise." I whispered.

"What?" He asked staring at my sandwiches.

"I do know how to cook." I said aloud as I pushed one of my sandwiches to him.

"Thank you." He muttered as he took a huge bite from the sandwich. His eyes widened as he chewed and swallowed the bite.

"Just the best sandwich I have ever had." He exclaimed as he finished the sandwich in two bites.

I kept my mouth shut as I stared at the wall. Thinking of a plan. A plan I thought I had when I agreed to marry Nixon for revenge.

"Penny for your thought?" Erik's voice broke me out of trance.

"Just thinking." I said. He raised his eyebrow.

"About?" He asked.

"About when to destroy all of you guys." I stated, emotionlessly. Erik smirked.

"Nice thoughts by the way." He chuckled.

"So, what you know about Nixon?" I asked. He looked at me. Ghostly.

"I will tell you one thing. He is from death." He said as he got up, walking off. I glared at his back which disappeared soon.

He is from death...

What the fuck does it mean? Is he a ghost? Immortal? Bloody hell...

I finished my sandwich and washed the dishes. Did he have his breakfast today?

What the fuck?! When did I care whether Nixon ate or not?!

I shook my head, clearing the unwanted thoughts. Shit! He is fucking with my head!!

I looked out through the window to see men. Lots and lots of men guarding the house. A huge garden in front of the mansion with a waterfall. Few dogs were running around. One looked like Finish-Spitz cross Pomeranian. A Great Dane and Dalmatians.

My sister loves dogs. She used to feed any dog she sees. She cared for them like they were her own child.

"They are the cutest and most loyal animal in this world."

Her exact words.

I finished doing the dishes as was about to make a coffee for myself when I heard a very familiar voice behind me.

"How are you doing, princess?"

Hey guys!!!!

How are all doing?!! I know I haven't updated regularly? I wanted to clear up my head and not mess up the book so it took some time.

Thank you!!!

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