Chapter - 12 Dinner

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Serena POV

I chuckled when I heard Will yell. I finished dinner and went out as I dried my hands with a towel. Nixon was home. His blue eyes snapped to mine. His jaw clenched as he removed his tie and coat. His white shirt was unbuttoned on top and he looked exhausted. 

"Get out of my house." Nixon snapped coldly as he unbuttoned his shirt. My throat dried up as I waited for him to remove that white shirt. My eyes following his fingers. His finger still. I frowned. My eyes lifted to see him staring at me.

"He is your husband. You can stare at him lifelong, Serena." Will's annoying voice broke our eye contact. Husband. Nixon. The guy who is responsible for my family's murder. 

"And you are not welcomed here." Nixon snapped at Will. 

"You can't stop me from meeting Serena." Will glared at Nixon who raised his eyebrow arrogantly.

"Really?"  Nixon asked cockily. I checked my phone. Maxim had texted me.

Meeting tomorrow. Morning.

"Fine! She will meet me when she comes for the work." Will snapped getting up. 

"Stay for dinner." I muttered as I strolled to the kitchen and started setting up the table. Nixon glared at Will as he followed in.

"You cooked?" Will asked as he eyed the curry and soup. I nodded. Nixon stared at me. I placed the steak on the table and sat down. Will and Nixon followed.

"Why?" Will asked with an amused smile. I smiled a fake one for him as my eyes moved to my dearest husband.

"A guy at least deserves a good meal before he gets killed by his own wife." I stabbed my steak at the end of my words. My stare deadly to which Nixon gave an amused smile.

"Lovely." He commented as Will started coughing. I pushed the glass of water to him as I continued eating.

"Fuck." Will cursed as he downed the whole glass of water in one gulp. I ate my food in silence as he cooled down.

"Done coughing?" I asked coolly. Nixon raised his eyebrow at Will, who looked at him in disbelief. 

"She fucking threatened you. Aren't you that big bad boss?" Will asked. Nixon finished his plate and leaned back, relaxing.

"She is good in bed." Nixon replied with a smirk. I bit my lip, stopping myself from letting a snarky comment out of my mouth. Will's eyes widened as he turned to me with a huge smirk.

"I knew it but I didn't expect her to fuck you already." I stilled when Will's words came out loud and clear. There was dead silence. My eyes turned to watch Nixon. His jaw hardened as he fisted his palm. His eyes shooting daggers at Will.

I didn't sleep with Will. No. I didn't. What the fuck was Will trying to do?! 

"The sound she makes are the sweetest melody I have ever heard." Will said as he winked at me. 

"The dinner. It's Over. Get out of my ground." Nixon said. My heart dropped at his tone. It was low and cold. I was hoping that Will would go but he didn't. The most idiotic guy on earth I have seen. 

"Wait, I was hoping for a threesome." 

"That's it." Then the hell broke out. The crashing of plates and the sounds of fists punching filled the air. It took me seconds to realize the scene. Nixon and Will were fighting like animals. 

"Stop it, guys." I said trying to stop them. No response.

"I said stop it!" I yelled when Nixon smashed a glass plate on Will's head. Will stopped fighting. He just took all the hits.

"Nixon!" I screamed as I caught his hand trying to peel him off Will but he was stronger.

"No one touches her!" Nixon shouted as he kicked Will. I pulled Nixon away.

"Fucking STOP!!" I screamed at top of my lungs. Nixon stopped, breathing heavily. If looks could kill then Will would be buried in the core of the earth.

"Damn. Her scream is more painful than your hits, man." Will joked as he stood up. His face bloody. 

"Will, Go back home." I commanded. 

"Anyway, my offer still stands." 

"You son-of-bitch!!!" Nixon charged towards Will, hearing his words. I caught him before he killed Will.

"Just go, Will." I said. He exited the house. I heard the car drove off after few minutes.

Silence filled the room. Dead silence. Nixon stood like a monster ready to kill one. His vein popping out. His white shirt now crumbled.

"Did you?" He asked lowly. I looked at him. His eyes piercing into my soul. He is asking whether I slept with Will?

"Nixon,-" I started but was cut.

"Did you?!" I flinched at his tone. My heart literally trying to break my rib cage. My eyes widened as I back away as he neared me. I can't tell him. Maxim will come to know. I can't.

"You did." He answered his own question. His eyes were deadly. My voice box froze. The darkness in his eyes promised something. Something really dark.

"Nixon." His name came out as a small whisper.

"Bad girl. Really a bad girl." He chuckled darkly as he unbuckled his belt. I gulped. My throat was dry as dessert. 

"Nixon, No." I croaked hoarsely as I tried to escape but he was already in front of me. His stare pinning me in my place.

"You know what happens to bad girl?" He asked. My heart was literally beating up in my throat. I felt my underwear damp. Fuck. I was wet. For him.

"Answer me!" He yelled as he wrapped the belt on his palm. 

"G-Gets p-punished." I stuttered. My brain was on holiday. No ideas or escapes. He smirked.

"Punished. Bad girls get punished." He whispered. He raised his hand and my eyes screwed close. I heard his hand swing in the air and then.


The sound of the leather belt hitting the wall behind made me jump. My eyes peered open and met the stormy eyes. The lust and desire filled the stormy blue eyes. The promise of pain and pleasure. Unleashing of the beast inside.


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