Chapter - 35 Boss

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Nixon POV

"Is everything ready?" I asked Nevio, who couldn't stop glaring at me. He placed the folder on the table.

"I am going to kill you for doing this." Nevio snapped. His eyes throwing lasers at me. We were brothers by choice. Not in blood. Well, who cares about blood?

"That's not the way to talk to your boss, Nevio." I stated as I opened the folder going through the papers. All the transactions are ready and good to be transferred. I signed down the pages.

"Just for a few more hours, boss. Watch your back, you can't get rid of us." Nevio growled. I looked up. I smirked. Well, I never thought I could.

"Caught him yet?" I asked. He shook his head.

"That guy knows how to hide." Nevio sighed. Perfect.

"No. Look careful. He is very close to us." I informed. Nevio frowned at me.

"What?" He asked confused.

"Why do you think I chose him?" I smirked. He is the perfect person. I watched- no observed him for a fucking year. I know him. His details are still engraved in my head. Poor guy doesn't know who the hell he is and who the hell he is gonna be.

I closed the folder when my phone pinged. It was one of my guards. A picture popped up. Will and Serena. Together. In a café. My jaw clenched as I felt my anger grow. She is killing me. I am gonna die worrying about her.

Taking two deep breaths, calming myself, I called her. In two rings she picked up the phone. I exhaled harshly, bad scenarios haunting me already. And Will. I don't trust him.

"I am gonna get aged soon if you keep doing this, Serena." I stated. She giggled like a kid.

"I am safe, Nixon. I lived twenty years surviving alone." She sighed.

"Where are you?" I asked, trying to keep my tone cool but in vain.

"At the café." She answered coolly As if she wasn't admitted to the hospital for fucking three months.

"With?" I asked.

"Will. He is going away, I needed to say goodbye." She said defeated. I frowned. He is going away? That's not how he fucking works.

"You were supposed to be in bed." I breathed out as I closed the files and my laptop.

"Nixon. I won't be able to meet my friend for- I don't know maybe forever?" My heart clenched when I heard the sadness in her voice. I stood up and walked out of my office.

"I want you in bed, resting, in five minutes."

"30 minutes."

"10 minutes."

"35 minutes."

"Fine. 20 minutes." I said in a final tone.

"Okay. Thank you." She chirped before ending the call. I took my gun and headed out. Nevio was next to me in seconds. Guards bowed in respect.

"Found him." He stated.

"Where?" I asked.

"The underground room of the cafe opposite to us." He said, frowning.

"Haul him to my office." I ordered. I walked out with Nevio tailing behind me.

"Why would he stay so near?" He asked confused.

"Ask him." I walked to my car. I sat in and drove off. I reached my destination in a few seconds. The Chinese restaurant was empty. Chang Wang sat there with his guards, waiting. I smirked as I walked up to them and sat down in front of him. He grinned, his eyes shrinking.

Ruthless Souls       (Ruthless Series # 1)  |✔|Where stories live. Discover now