Chapter - 4 Stab

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Nixon POV

"Leo, behave yourself." I warned my brother as I parked the car in front of Maxim's mansion. Leo scoffed like a kid.

"She was supposed to be my bride." Leo snorted. I glared at him.

"Now she is not." I growled. He clenched his teeth, keeping quiet.

"Will you guys stop?" Erik said frustrated.

"Let's go." I snapped getting of the car. Maxim stood there with his men and Serena stood strong beside him. Her face stone cold. Hot.  

When my man said she was downstairs I was shocked. When I saw her in the middle of the hall looking around. I lost my mind. Those articles did no justice in describing her appearance. Her Onyx eyes shining. She had curves in the right places. The long black hair and the lips. God!  She wasn't even wearing anything special!!

"Nixon." Maxim held his hand out for a handshake. I locked my eyes with Serena.

"Maxim." I took his hand shaking, my eyes still on his sweet niece.

"Let's get in." He said as he leads the way. Serena following behind. Her hand on her gun, she was ready and eager to put a bullet into my head. We went into the hall. Maxim sat down n his couch as Leo, Erik sat down with me opposite Maxim.

"So you want to meet your bride?" Maxim asked as he poured four cups of vodka. Russians

"I believe I met her already?" I stated as I looked up at Serena who sat on one of the chairs near the bar with her drink watching us. Her Onyx eyes boring into mine. Yesterday I almost fell on my knees seeing her beauty but I will not. That's her weapon. Her beauty.

A laugh had me turning back to Maxim as he laughed. He sipped his vodka smiling.

"Serena? She isn't the bride, Nixon." His words had my teeth grinding against each other. Fucking games!

"What?" I asked lowly. Maxim clapped his hand once as the door opened and a petite woman strolled in. She wore a royal blue evening dress, her face and hair done like a princess.

"Celine. Your bride." He stated. I laughed as I sipped my drink leaning back.

"Erik." I called. He threw a file on the table beside. I tilted my head for Maxim to read it. That women in evening dress stood there waiting for further commands. I turned to Serena to see her behind the counter as she went through the drinks.

"I want Serena." I stated. Maxim's eyes narrowed as he read the file. His face paling. He slammed the file close turning to me.

"What do you want?" He rushed the words out of his mouth. I smirked at his vulnerable state. I lifted my leg and placed them on the table. I turned to see Serena glaring at my leg. She wasn't within hearing distance.

"You would want to talk this alone." I smiled as he dismissed the girl in evening dress like a dog. 

"Give me Serena's hand." I stated, yawning. His eyes shone with anger.

"She isn't a virgin." He said through gritted teeth. I laughed.

"I don't care." I answered. He shook his head. Why is he holding onto her?

"Take anyone but not her." He said in denial. I shook my head tsking.  

"That evidence will be in FBI's hands in no seconds." I said getting up. The drug deals and connection with the contractor and all recorded. I almost reached the door when I heard him.

"No! Stop!" He shouted. I turned around with raised eyebrow. 

"Think wisely. Maxim." I said loud and clear. Serena looked between us to trying to figure out the situation.

"I will do it." He said slowly. Serena frowned as she shook her head when she realized what was happening.

"Maxim, I am not marrying him."  She shouted furiously.

"Serena." In no seconds a knife came flying through the air as it passed by me stabbing into Erik's arm. He groaned as he plucked out the knife. His eyes furious as he launched towards Serena.

"Bitch!!" He yelled as he raised his hand to punch her but she caught her hand and poured the glass of alcohol into his wound. He bit his lip trying not to scream in agony.

"Serena, back off." Maxim pulled away fuming Serena. I winked at her as she thrashed against her uncle's hold.

"Nixon, you may wait in my office. She will marry you." The words from Maxim's mouth only fueled the fire burning in Serena's eyes. I waved at her mockingly as I walked out.

"Have you lost your fucking mind?!" I heard Serena yell behind the door.

"Serena, we have no choice." I smiled at his words. No choice. Dirty bastard.

"Try to duck or move when a knife is thrown." Leo teased Erik who growled in anger.

"There was no knife in her hands, man. Then I saw her hand shot out and pain burning through my arm." Erik scowled. 

"Russian tricks." I muttered.

"I wish she also knew tricks in bed." Leo wiggled his eyebrows at the thought of his.

"She is mine." I growled, glaring at him.

"Just pray that she doesn't stab your balls on the wedding night." Erik scoffed.

We sat down and relaxed as I waited for Maxim to arrive. A lady paddled in with a file and place beside me. She bowed walking away. The door opened revealing Maxim, no Serena behind.

"The contract is ready." He pointed to the file. I opened the file to see Serena signed that she is agreeing to marriage. I took my pen and signed.

"Your wish completed. Now erase that evidence." He snapped. 

"Evidence will be in ashes as soon the wedding is over." I said. He glared at me.

"When do you want the wedding to take place?" He asked. 

"Tomorrow." I stated. His eyes widened as looked at me as if I was crazy.

"And all my mob bosses will be invited. So Maxim,"  His face turned redder as the words left my mouth." Watch your back." I smirked as I got up.

"Done." He snapped. I patted his shoulder, my eyes glaring into his eyes which haunted me for years. I smirk as I demanded another thing.

"I need a chat with Serena."

Hey guys!!!!

How is your mood today?! Good? Fantastic.

Question of the day:-

Die virgin or live without any electronic devices?

Drop a dare for me!!!

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