Chapter 1

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Disclaimer all characters (except for Katie) belong to either Marvel or Shannon Messenger. Also please do not steal Katie I made her myself.

Katie's POV
I was walking around devastated. My parents were in jail after all they did to me but I still just didn't feel right. I will never forget their faces, the faces of my parents after I testified against them. I started thinking about the elves. 1 year ago a man had approached me and started talking to me. I don't know why but I immediately trusted him, which was a lot coming from me because it's hard for to trust people after the incident (the incident is what I'm calling the times when  Katie was beaten). He started telling me about my heritage, how I was an elf. At first I thought he was crazy but then I wanted proof so he took me somewhere through this sort beam of light. Long story short I believed him. He revealed himself to be my neighbor, Mr. Pink. Mr. Pink has been posing as my neighbor for different reasons. Some even I don't know. Mr. Pink showed me things in the Elvin world and told me I was half elf half human and my "parents" the ones that were in jail aren't my biological ones. He told me about the Black Swan the rebel group who crossed an elf's DNA with a human's, creating me. The Black Swan changed my DNA so I had some powerful abilities even though I was half human and planted different fighting styles in my head to make me a amazing and dangerous fighter. I was Project Alicorn, the only one of my kind with the hope that there would be more. The cross between a Human and Elf. He also told me how the Black Swan made another "experiment" a super powerful elf with 5 different abilities, her name was Sophie Foster, Project Moonlark. That was all interesting but the main thing that made be believe him was the fact that he knew about my powers. These weird powers or abilities as he called them were always a mystery for me.

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