Chapter 10

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Katie's POV

As soon as I get into my new room my first impression was shocked. I expected the room to be great because obviously, here we are, Avengers Tower. I started placing some stuff around my room, some pictures of me and my friends on my desk, but left my L-Corp Tablet (Yes like Lena Luthor, you will see her later in the story.) in my backpack because it contained my work. The 3 sets of clothes in my backpack, I only have a few, just 2 long sleeve t-shirts, 2 jeans, a set of pajamas, and a hoodie which I am wearing right now. I kept my Imparter, Pieces of Tech that I am working on, and phone, in my pocket. I only had a phone because my old 'parents' needed a way to contact me and now I need it to contact people like my best friend and other peeps. I really just refer to my parents as Arnold and Anna, which are their names. Then I took out my imparter and called Sophie.

(Katie's words will be in italics and Sophie's words will be in bold)

"Sup Sophie- Are you okay, did they bring you to their base or something, Yes I'm at the tower- Just be careful, I'll be fine, they seem like decent people- Did you tell the others- What others, All right- No I'll visit but I have to live here- Okay but will you tell them, I don't know if they are trustworthy yet- Ok, how many people know, Only 1 person knows- Already!, Hey! It's Thor he already knew- Also no shadow reading without consent, Fine, Fine, fine I won't do it without consent Just be careful, do not let them see your abilities, I know I'll be careful I won't let them see- See What?, Alright! No practicing-No practicing either, I can even let you visit but you'll have to walk through the actual entrance- Yeah, Alright in 1 week I'll visit and update all of you- Deal be safe ttyl, and DON'T forget, I will, I will. Got to go bye."

As soon as I was done I stuck my imparter back in my pocket and walked out to the common room.


"Hey guys," I said

"Heyyyyyyyyy, we wanted to ask you what type of pizza you wanted", Tony said.

"Oh, thanks but I don't really care, choose whatever." I could tell previously they were talking about something else but that's there business.

"Ok, Wanna watch a movie?" Tony asks me.


"What should we watch?" Bruce asked. I just shrugged.

"Netflix browsing time!" Clint yelled. They all ran to the couch running for the remote and I just walked over, I'm happy. I'm at peace, at least momentarily. "Ok, guys any Ideas?"

"Ooh I heard there is that Artemis Fowl movie," Tony said.

"NO!" Bruce yelled.

"Why not?" Tony started whining.

"Because they made it horribly," Bruce said.

"Exactly! It is so inaccurate, it's like they took the characters and just stuck them on the TV!" I yelled

"Someone finally gets it!"

"Ok, Ok, fine we won't watch it," Tony exasperated.

"Fine any other ideas," Clint asked.

"MY LITTLE PONY," Thor yelled.

"NO!!!," we all shouted at the same time, except for me and Steve of course. I didn't want to be rude, and Steeeve-

"What's that?" Steve asked.

"Oh buddy," Natasha started, "you don't want to know."

"How about we watch Camp Nowhere," Wanda said.

"Yassss," Tony yelled. Then Jarvis informed us the Pizza Guy was in the elevator. All the sudden Clint and Tony rushed up to get to the pizza first. Yet the master assassin won and set the pizza down after getting 3 slices. Everyone started to pile over to the pizza fighting for the slices. So I did the natural thing and got up slipped under the pile of bodies and came back seconds later with a whole box of pizza untouched. Then I put the pizza in front of Wanda and Natasha who never let their seats on the couch. Steve was still on the couch too but we just left him to himself. We all scooched closer to the end of the couch so we could share the pizza and make room for the others.

"Boys," Natasha said while glancing at the flurry of limbs.

"Nice job, how'd you do that." Wanda said.

"You just have to be quick."

"Yea but you literally weaved under their flailing bodies and managed an entire pizza."

"I dunno practice"

"Uh, huh, sure," Natasha said.

One minute later all the boys panting with their mangled slices of pizza. Bruce was looking a little green.

"Hey how'd you get that pizza," Tony asked.

"It's a secret," I replied. Honestly it was simple I just went under the bodies and grabbed the bottom box, but the boys don't have to know that.

"ON WITH THE MOVIE!" Thor called.

"Thor would it ever kill you to tone it down a bit?" I asked.

"Oh kid, it's not possible. We've tried," Clint said.

"Eh I'm use to it, but I rather not wake up to it," I replied.

"Fair enough, it's usually something around, WHERE ARE THE GLORIOUS POP TARTS!!!", Natasha imitated.

"Ha, I could totally see that, but it might be like WHERE ARE THE GLORIOUS POP OF TARTS!" I say but in an exact copy of Thor's booming voice. I was too late to stop myself before it came out. I slapped my hand over my mouth because I realized that the Avengers don't know I can mimic besides Thor.

"How the f***ing hell did you do that"

"Language," Steve said

"Uh, I'm good at deepening my voice?"

"No, you sounded exactly like Thor," Clint said.

"Uhhhh no I didn't"

"Yes you did," Tony said, "You were spot on."

"Uhhhh, it's just a skill."

"Not even I can do that, you got the accent and everything," Natasha said.

"Well, I don't know how I did it."

"You are a terrible liar."

"I know." Smooth, Katie, smooth.

"Lets just start the movie," Bruce said. Tony took the remote from the confused Steve who couldn't figure out which button to press and pushed play. From there on we just chilled on the couch or the chairs watching the movie in silence only speaking and laughing at the funny parts or when someone was being particularly stupid.

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