Chapter 30

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It had been two days since I shared my story with the Avengers. They've been acting different. Every time they see me pity clouds their faces. I can't take it anymore. So I made breakfast and planned to talk to everyone.

"Ok listen. This is why I didn't tell you guys about my past in the first place. Ever since I told you you've been treating me differently, looking at me differently, acting differently around me. I can't take it! This has got to stop. I'm going to go visit a few friends today, I'll be back tonight. By then I expect that you'll have your acts together and will be treating me like a normal person. You should be focusing on me and what I show you not what has happened in the past."

"It's just we feel so bad," Clint says.

"That's the thing! I don't want you too, I want you to treat me as you normally would anyone else. I don't need special treatment I know how to deal with my problems and their not a big deal for me anymore. And sure the first 11 years of my life are apart of me but their not all of me."

"Don't you feel the baggage? The weight of everything that has happened to you? Don't you care that the people that are supposed to love you the most treated you like dirt!?" Wanda says.

"I do but I can deal with it and it's my problem. Plus I'm over it now, I've moved past it." Ok maybe I'm lying just a bit. Yeah it feels terrible to know that my "parents" hated me and would abuse me. But for the most part I've been able to move past it. I also know that they weren't my real parents. Because the black swan implanted me into Anna's stomach. Weird I know. On one hand it's kinda a relief knowing that my real parents are out there somewhere and Arnold and Anna aren't my real parents. But that doesn't help erase what they did to me. On the other hand it's unnerving to think about why the black swan would choose them to be my human cover parents. But whatever it's best not to think about it.

"So are you gonna tell us where you're going and who you are going to see?" Natasha asks.



"At least tell me so I know what you're doing ok?" Thor says.

"Yeah but don't tell the others definitely can't have them looking for Everglen."

"Oh yeah. Ok have fun don't kill each other."

"Ugh you just gave me such worrisome older brother vibes."


"Yeah ok bye."

$;&/@-@@-&;$&@/@/Timeskip to dinner&:&&/&/&&/!/!.)!/$.!/?7/!2$

Nat's POV

It was around 7 and Katie walks in from the elevator. She was acting suspicious, she had her hood up, head down and was carrying a huge bucket.

"Hey kid?" I started.


"What's up with you?" Stark asks.

"Nothing much."

"Did you have fun at your friends place?" I asked.

"Yup. We played uh— tag."

"Tag? Why do you have your head down like that?" Clint interrupts.

"Like what?"

"Ok what's up with you!" I got up and went towards her and yanked her hood off her head. HER HAIR WAS BRIGHT PINK!! "You died your hair!? You could have told me what you were planning!"

"I didn't want to!"

"What!" Katie did not want to tell me a word and Thor wasn't helping. He was cackling on the floor like a damn hyena.

"I was pranked," she muttered under her breath.

"Was it Dex or Keefe?!" Thor wheezed out.

"Both! They teamed up on me! We were playing bas- uh tag and when I was looking for them they dropped down from the trees and died it pink!"

"Ha! Didn't see it coming did you?! The great prank master is losing your touch. You haven't even pulled one single prank on anyone since you got here. Maybe I don't need to be too worried about Loki coming."

"Fine I guess I just won't share any of the treats Edaline gave me to share." Katie held up the ginormous bucket she was carrying as proof.

"Wait treats?!" Clint interrupted.

"Yup and now their all for meeeeeeee. I got blitzenberry muffins, butterblasts, custard bursts, fluff creams, indigoobers, mallowmelt, pudding puffs, ripplefluffs, sugarknots, and some prattles!!"

"What is all that stuff?" Wanda asks.


"Omg chill. Edaline made me promise to share with 'all those new friends of yours' anyways."


"Here dig in," Katie passed the bucket to Thor. "SHARE. Now I need to go figure out an antidote for my goddam hair!" Katie stomped off towards her room.

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