Chapter 31!

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Thor's POV

"Ugh," I turn towards the sound and it's Katie wandering in at NOON from her room.

"What aren't you excited? Loki's coming today!" I tell her.

"Ugh, how can anyone be excited?!" Clint exclaimed.

Katie scoffed, "I for one am very excited and you Clint shall receive PRANK HELLFIRE. IF ONLY I COULD FIX MY HAIR!!!"

"I think it looks great." Natasha chimes in and shrugs.

Katie just rolls her eyes with her typically dramatic flair.

BRING BRING BRING (phone rings.)

"Jarvis. Answer." I command the talking robot that's in the ceiling. A few moments later a hologram of Fury popped up.

"Avengers. Loki should be arriving sometime in the next hour so prepare yourselves."  Fury warned the team. Only groans followed and grumbled complaints. Which I found rude because my brother is a good person. "I know you guys don't like him but I will have you guys know that he is reformed. Also Katie I want your guardian pick by the end of the week."

"No." Katie said very blatantly to her instructions.

"I will have you kicked off the team if you do not obey my every command."

"I should remind you that it wasn't me who wanted to be in this team. I was KIDNAPPED then practically FORCED onto the team. By all means kick me off Crabby Pirate! I could care less."

"Hello?! We're on the team. Don't you like us?" Tony butted in.

"Nope. I wouldn't pay a penny to see y'all again if I was kicked off the team." Katie very rudely told Tony. But I could tell she didn't fully mean it because her eyes flickered to Natasha for a split second. Even though Natasha didn't seem to notice because she didn't talk to Katie for the rest of the day.

Once Fury had gotten over the 'BLATANT DISRESPECT'  which he would rant about to Hill later he said, " IF YOU DO NOT HAVE AN ANSWER ON MY DESK BUT NEXT WEEK I WILL ASSIGN YOU TO STARK! HE WILL CONTROL ALL OF YOUR MEDICAL STUFF, SCHOOL, WHEN YOU GO OUT AND I ASSURE YOU YOU WILL JOT ENJOY IT! YOU HAVE 7 DAYS!" And then Fury signed off. But Katie was already back in her room probably furious and already is the shadows traveling to Havenfield to vent to the alicorns. The best form of therapy.

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