Chapter 33

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3rd person

Natasha, Tony, Clint, and Wanda were fine. At least, they stopped itching and all the glitter was gone. But they were all still pink girly pop smurfs. And Katie and Loki were enjoying every second of the hot pink glory. Katie's hair had now subsided to a deep purple so the 4 misfortunate avengers were the only neon embarrassments in the tower.

"Guys. This is not a vacation we are working out today," Steve lectured.


"That is not my fault. Everyone in the gym or I will report everyone to Hill."

"Ugh. Snitch is not a good look on you Steve." Natasha said.

Natasha's POV

I am VERY annoyed with Katie. First she is throwing her "I don't care about anyone or anything" attitude about and now she has pranked us with some solution that seems impossible to even exist. "KATIE!" I turn to her. "You are going to reverse this right now."

"And if I don't?" She responds.

"Then I will go to Fury and tell him that you want Stark to be your PERMANENT GUARDIAN."

"I'll just tell him otherwise."

"He won't care. He'll take the first answer he gets."


Then she was spraying some mist on us which had the horrible burning effect which I thought was a prank at first but then the pink went away. I am still pissed at her recent attitude but I plan on fixing that attitude. "Come on we're going everyone," I said followed by groans from Tony and Clint.

Katie started running to the weights, "nope. Not so fast. You need to warm up first." Then Katie dropped into a side splits and touched her head to the ground, the touched her head to each knee and popped up.

"Done!" She yelled.

"Absolutely not." I grabbed her collar which yanked down her shirt and revealed a bunch of scars and caused to flinch. I dragged her down to the floor.

"WHAT THE HELL!" She got right into my face and screamed at me.

"You're stretching with me."

Katie's POV

I was very mad at Natasha I don't care if I thought she was nice before. She just yanked down my shirt and revealed my worst scars. "I don't know what your problem is but this whole time I've been here you've been acting as if you were my mom or something! You just won't leave me alone. You think I don't notice the side eye looks you're always giving me? Always checking what I'm doing? BACK OFF. I'm not 6 I can do things on my own without you hovering around me!" I got up and started to walk away.

"Ugh excuse me. How dare you I could make you fell more pain then you could ever imagine!" I saw Natasha start to reach for me again but I smacked her hand away.

"I doubt that! You think you could cause me more pain then I've already felt. I know you've seen my scars because you can't stop looking for them! It's called BOUNDARIES." That left everyone speechless. Everyone around us was pink from second hand embarrassment or from nervousness of who's going to attack the other first. Then Natasha tan up to me and swung me over her shoulder so I couldn't move.

"Let go of me!" I screamed.

"No. We're going to have a talk."

"I'd rather go suck-mmwhiehsjsns" she cupped her hand over my mouth.

"BEHAVE. I will not hesitate to add to your collection of scars that I apparently can't keep my eyes off of."

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