Chapter 19

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I woke up and I was still laying on Nat. Last night after she came in I had no nightmares and fell right to sleep it was a dream. I get up carefully without waking up Nat and get dressed. Since the only clothes I have that aren't fancy Elvin clothes are those 7 sets of close I got every year from Arnold and Anna I just wear one of my long sleeve shirts to bed and my only pair of sweatpants. I put on a sports bra underneath my shirt and swapped my sweatpants out for jeans then put on my jacket.

I always have to wear my jacket to cover my scars but when I was still hanging out with Lena I put cooling tech in my jacket because I actually get hot really easily. I've had this jacket for 4 years and the hems at the wrists are all falling apart. It's the only jacket I have. I got it in girl scouts and it has my camp name on it.

I make waffles with my left over pancake batter and Nat come out midway with bedhead and comes to help me.

"Hey, you making waffles?"

"Yup, how many do you think?"

"50? The waffles are big."

"Ok, wanna help"


"Okay just poor the batter in till the whole bottom just fills, close the lid and then wait a minute, check if its golden brown, if it's not leave it in longer then take them out and but them on the plates."

"Mk what are you doing now?"

"Making whipped cream, Berry, plain, maple, or pumpkin spice whipped cream?"

"Uh which is the best?"

"I can also do a cinnamon roll."

"That one."

"ok" I grab 5 cups of heavy cream, cinnamon, cream cheese, and sugar. I have to make a lot and 5 cups of cream will whip up to a lot so I have to do 5 different batches. I add 1 cup of whipping cream, 1 tbsp of white sugar, 1 tbsp brown sugar, a dollop of cream cheese, and 2 teaspoons of cinnamon to a large bowl. I have to whip the cream by hand because I don't want to wake anyone up.

As I start to whip with the whisk Nat interrupts and says, "You know we have a mixer right?"

"I know but I don't want to wake anyone up."

"That's fine they need to wake up anyway."

"But won't they be mad."

Nat comes over and hugs me, "Of course they won't be mad, you are already making breakfast, which is way better than Steve's, and you don't have to."

"Ok, thanks." I poor all the ingredients into the mixer and then 4 times the recipe since the mixer bowl is ginormous, then I start mixing. Within 3 minutes all the cream is perfectly whipped and I tell Jarvis to wake everyone up as I set soft butter, jam, maple syrup, berries, powdered sugar, Nutella, the whipped cream, and of course the waffles on the table. Mmmmmm it smells delicious. Clint was first out since he smelt the food, then Steve came out from the elevator after his walk, Stark was the last to come out, hand in hand with Pepper but he ditched her once he saw the food. Everyone was digging in and once they finished we just sat on the couches.


"That was delicious," Clint says.

"Yeah, thanks Katie," Steve says.

"N-,"started Stark but before he could finished a hologram of Fury appeared and he tod us the urgent message.

"Robots in central park. Hurry avengers."

"Avengers Assemble!!" Steve says.

"Wait Katie you don't have a suit," Wanda points out.

I didn't, I would have to make one. "That's fine, I can make one later. We have to go now."

"Ok we'll get you one later how are we going to get there? Central Park is filled with civilians and robots we can't take the quinjet," Clint says.

"I can fly and so can Thor and Wanda. The rest of you take motorcycles and someone take the kid with you."

"I'll take her," Nat says.

"Ok let's go!" Katie shouts.

Al the Avengers rush down to the parking lot and Tony, Wanda, and Thor take off. Katie gets on a bike with Nat and they zoom off with Clint closely behind. Bruce decided to stay behind and Steve gets onto his bike and follows the others to Central Park.

The park was filled with screams of running civilians and within 45 seconds the remaining citizens were cleared out because the robots weren't targeting them. The robots were hovering in the air and they were a sort of spherical drone. The Avengers charged but the grounded ones were left to shooting tasers, arrows, and shields in the air. Wanda was crushing the robots with her powers, Tony was shooting them, and Thor was blasting them with lightning. News helicopters were in the air and catching it all. The battle was impressive but everyone was shocked when Katie got into action. She had been waiting in a tree so she could jump on a robot and destroy them as she jumped, flipped, twisted, and turned in the air destroying robot by robot. The Avengers were frozen for a good second, Katie was so graceful even as she was ripping apart robots and throwing them around.

Katie's POV

I was jumping around and striking all the robots, normally I might need a blade or something but the robots had a weak spot so it just thrust my hand it there and pulled. The robots all crumbled and I was going at a much faster rate then the other Avengers. I was going so fast everything was a blur and all the sudden a destroy one robot and as I hop to the next it collapses and I go falling with it. I couldn't catch myself with my powers or else the world would see and so would the black swan. Then I would definitely be screwed with council. I dislocate my shoulder but I have to get right up and go head towards the Avengers. The paparazzi and reporters start swarming us and are yelling questions but I'm used to it. The story of Arnold and Anna went viral and so did I. I got offers to be adopted by so many people especially people who wanted fame. Nat grabs my shoulder leads me back to the bike but I couldn't hear anything she was saying. I had already turned off my hearing aids.

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