Chapter 12

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Natasha's POV

"Nat, what were you talking about!" Tony yelled. I was so annoyed with Stark why couldn't he mind his own business.

"Shouldn't you be minding your own business?" I told him, Tony seemed to be at a loss for words.

"We don't care! We were gonna listen in but the door was soundproofed!" Clint replied instead. Thank Thor no one could hear,

"Ugh, well I'll have you know that she doesn't even trust us!" I yelled.

"Why? We're the Avengers!"

"She's one too," Wanda said.

"Yeah but she just showed up and has a criminal record. How can we trust her immediately," Clint said.

"We were all a bunch of troubled misfits at the start and Fury trusts her. She's obviously been through a lot and we should take care of her, not dis her," Steve argues.

"Fine but what were you guys talking about," Tony said.

"That's none of you business," I retorted.

"Fine! I'm hacking her."

"What, No! She'll never trust us!"

"She already trusts you Mrs. Worry wort."

"No! She doesn't trust me, she just talked to me!" I walked up to him and pressed him against the wall.

"Fine, you win." I dropped him.

"Guys, stop," Bruce said.

"Lets not fight," Wanda said.

"Well you've been awfully quiet. Mind telling us what you saw in her mind?" Clint said.

"That's her business. I made a mistake invading her mind."


"That's her business."

"Please Wanda, we just want to help her. She is obviously going through the stuff and she needs help."

"She obviously doesn't want help," Tony said.

"How do you know. We haven't asked her," Bruce said.

"The best thing we can do is support her and make us trust her. Then we can see if she is trust worthy," Steve said. "I see it in her eyes, she's been through things. What, I don't know, but if we show her we care about her she will tell us."

"How can you be so sure?"

"Because if we all actually care about her, she will know in time."

"We do care about her," Bruce, Tony, Clint, Wanda, and I said all at the same time.

"I shall ask the young hero what is wrong. I have heard stories but have not heard the full thing."



"Sir it seems the Pirate is calling," Jarvis said.

"Ugh," Tony groaned.

"Pick it up," Bruce said.

"Avengers-," Fury said.

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