Chapter 17

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Katie's POV

I start moving around the kitchen gathering my ingredients. Then I make my dough, while it's chilling I start to make my pesto. Honestly the first I watched someone do this they were so tired from the mixing but it doesn't bother me. I stick the pesto in the fridge and start making mallowmelt. When I'm done I stick the mallowmelt in the oven and start rolling out the pasta. I realized I didn't know what shape the Avengers wanted to I'm just gonna do a pesto spaghetti with extra garlic and butter. It was my friends favorite. After I cooked up the pasta and mixed in the sauce I plated the food,  and set it on the table.

"Hey Jarvis can you call the Avengers up for lunch?"

"Of course master Katie."

"Could you change my name?"

"Of course what would you like it to be?"

This was great I have the best idea for a prank. But first, " just Katie is fine," I tell Jarvis.

All the Avengers came crashing out of the elevator. "FOOOOOOOOD!!!!!!"

"Okay okay, it's on the table calm down," I said.

"All rushed to a seat and clambered into the mmmm immediately stuffing their faces. While me Wanda and Mrs. Natasha just walked to our chairs and sat down. I was across from Wanda and Mrs Natasha was on my right. No one was on my right but there was still a spare chair.

"Mmmm this is delicious," Stark moaned.

"How did you make this!?!" Mr Barton asked.

"Great job," Wanda said.

"Wow it's good fresh," Mr Banner said.

"Very nice kid," Mrs Natasha said.

"Yum," Mr Rogers said.

Thor screamed.

"Thank you Stark, thank you Mr Barton, thank you Wanda, thank you Mr. Banner, Thank you Mrs Natasha, thank you Mr Rogers, and Thor the mallowmelt is in the oven baking.

"Awwww," Thor whined.

"It'll be done soon. Also Stark your wife is lovely." I said.

"YOU MET MY WIFE!?!" Stark yelled.

"Uh yeah she was looking for you earlier."

"You didn't tell her you were the new avenger right?"

"Uh I did sorry."

"Noooo Peps gonna kill me for kidnapping you, letting a 12 year old be an Avenger, anddddd not telling her," Stark whined.

"I'm sorry!!!" I cried. Sometimes it's hard for me to remember that my parents are in jail. They used to beat me every time I even did the slightest thing wrong.

"No it's fine, right Stark," Mrs. Natasha asked threateningly.

"Yeah Yeah it's fine."

"Great! Lets play some games" Mrs. Natasha said.

"What games?" I asked





"Let's let Katie chose," Wanda said.

"Well first Thor the mallowmelt will be ready in 1 minute and then I want to play Monopoly."

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