Chapter 26

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No one's POV

Once most of the team is in the med bay and Katie is finally dragged in by Natasha the physical begins.

Katie is sitting on the examination table while Bruce asks her questions.

"First off do you have your vax records?"

"Yeah here," Katie hands him a piece of paper she had printed out.

"Good. Are you diagnosed with anything?" Bruce starts.

"No." Thor glares at Katie, "Fine I have a photographic memory." Natasha glares at her, "Fine I'm also Deaf.

"Deaf?!" Tony exclaims.

"Yes that's what I said you moron ."

"Rude, I was just clarifying."

"How do you hear us?" Bruce asks. Katie turns to the side and lets them see the glowing blue light. "How do they work?"

"If I concentrate I can hear and when I focus I can listen. If I'm not doing either the light turns of so people know. It takes a lot of energy so I don't utilize them all the time."

"Interesting, where did you get them?"

"Made them."

"You should have told us," Clint tells Katie.

"Wouldn't have made a difference."

"You still could have told us, I would have liked to known."

"Sorry, Mr. Barton."

"Don't be sorry, just trust us more. And call me Clint."

"No can do Mr. Barton." Katie was denying both requests, she just couldn't trust the Avengers... yet.

"Next, have you ever broken any bones?"


"How many and which ones."

"Well let's see, wait all?"

"Uhh, yes"

Katie just sat and thought for awhile, "ok so I've fractured my jaw once, fractured my collar bone, broke my shoulder 8 times, fractured and broke my ribs 27 times, broke my left elbow twice, the right one once, broken all my fingers at least 3 times, broke my right hand twice, fractured my left once, broke my wrists a combined 5 times, broke my right hip once, broke my left femur once, broke my left and right fibula and tibia, broke a bunch of my toes, broke and fractured my ankles a total of 8 times, and broke both feet 3 times each. That's it."

"That's it?" Bruce squeaked out. The whole team was just in shock. No one said anything, even Thor was shocked. "How did you break all those bones?!"


"I BEG TO DIFFER!" Nat shouted.


"We'll discuss this in further depth another time, have you ever been poisoned, if you have, I pray not, how?"

"I inhaled poison gas once, I drank it once, I was injected with it twice, and that should be it. And no, I don't know which ones."

"Great, poisoned 4 times." Bruce muttered writing on his clipboard. "Questions over, now I'm going to run the basic tests, blood pressure, heart rate, reflexes, height, weight, sight, blood-"

"Nope" Katie interrupted. "I'm not allowed to give my blood."

"Why," Steve asks.

"I said so."

"These aren't good enough answers kiddo."

"I don't care. At all."

"Fine we'll skip blood."

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