Chapter 29

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Katie's POV

I was in the elevator on my way up and I just couldn't think. My brain was all jumbled and nothing made sense. But soon the elevator was opening and I had no choice but to step out because in front of me there were all of the Avengers, Nick Fury, Maria Hill, and some new guy with a metal arm.

As soon as they saw me their faces all shifted to expressions of pity. Thor got up and walk toward me, in Asgardian, "don't worry just get it over with, I have some good news for you."

"What is it?"

"I'm saving it till after to hopefully cheer you up"

"I don't think anything could cheer me up after this."

"Wanna bet?"


"If I win I get a favor from you, if you win you get a favor from me."


"Don't worry I believe in you."


"Uh, so I um, owe you an explanation," I started.

"Yes I think you do," Stark tells me.

"So I'm gonna show you something and then questions after. Um, Alyssa pull up file X on the tv then play it please."

"Of course," my AI responds. A news clip pulls up and Nat pats the spot next to her for me to sit. The tv starts playing the most accurate parts of my story, now it's time to sit back and hold the tears in whilst ignoring the obvious stares of pity I'm getting.

Once the the file ends I start, "so um any questions?"

Everyone was just staring at me some were crying. "So no questions?"

"Where did you live if you had no parents?" Wanda asked. A bit insensitive but it's fine.

"Uh with some friends."

"You're gonna need a legal guardian to sign paperwork, be in charge of you, and other stuff. So Pick someone," Fury says.

"Uh no."

"Why not?"

"We'll you can't just tell her to pick a new parent Fury," Agent Hill tells him.

"We'll not parent, a guardian," Fury counters.

"But it is Fury, she needs someone she will be comfortable with at least give her some time," Nat says.


"Ok anymore questions?"

"I'm sorry all this happened to you," Clint says.

"Yeah, I'm sorry," Bruce says.

"It's not fair, no one should go through that let alone a kid."

This is exactly what I was afraid of, the worst feeling in the world. "So are you guys done?"

"Yeah," everyone says.

"So um who's metal arm?"

"That's Bucky," Steve says.

"Ok."  I was feeling horrible, my stomach was turning, and everyone looked on the verge of tears. I just wanted to run but I couldn't. "Thor what's the good news?"

"What good news?" Stark interrupts.

"Loki's coming in 3 days," Thor deadpans.


"Oh yeah about that don't worry, apparently he's not evil anymore," Stark says.

"He was never evil! He was controlled."

"What do you mean?"

"I kept trying to tell you guys, but you would never listen. Loki was being controlled by the scepter when he attacked, just like Barton." Thor says.

"Sooooooooo LOKI'S COMING IN 3 DAYS!!!!"

"Oh no," Thor says.

"What's wrong?" Nat says.

"The two together are notorious for the craziest pranks ever and they know no limits," Thor whines.

"Fri remind me to keep the kid away from the tower," Stark says.

"Ok boss," the AI responds.

"I NEED TO GO CALL HIM!!!!" With that I run off to my room already calling Loki.

Nat's POV

"Well that went well?" Thor says uncertain.

"I knew I recognized her from somewhere," Clint says. "Laura was following her case like a maniac."

"It's just crazy, she's so young and yet she's been through to much," Steve says.

"I agree but I also want to see what she's up to at the moment," Tony interrupts.

"Yeah, how would she call Loki?" Wanda asks.

"They have many, many, many, ways of contact. It's scary," Thor says.

"So how exactly does Katie already know Loki if she doesn't know us?" Bruce asks.

"They met the same time I met Katie."

"And how was that," I ask.

"That's not my story to tell."

"You've been saying that a lot."

"It's just not my secret to tell. Trust me Lady Natasha, at this rate she might be telling you very soon."

We had reached Katie's door so I didn't have time to reply because everyone was pressing their ears into the door and trying to listen. Katie was definitely talking to someone but no one could hear anything they were talking too quietly.

Katie's POV

On the phone in English

Katie-So you're coming to earth!?

Loki-uh yeah how'd you know?

Katie-they didn't tell you?

Loki-tell me what?

Katie-I'm the new avenger you're supposed to meet

Loki -really?! I guess they just didn't trust me to know in case I went on a murder rampage again.

Katie -I know I'm sorry but it wasn't even your fault.

Loki -that doesn't matter they'll never trust me.

Katie -we can make them pay. What are you thinking?

Loki -oh it's gonna be fun. The wildest pranks they've ever seen.

Katie -they'll never know what hit them. Although I'm positive they are listening through my door.


Katie- did you hear it?

Loki- yeah but the should be scared anyway they are gonna have rainbow hair for days!

Katie- ok what if pranking ingredients are growing on Asgard right now?

Loki- oh the good stuff

Lots more prank planning

Katie- perfect! I figured out how to make the paint last longer too!

Loki- oh this is gonna be fun!



"Are you sure she's good?" Tony speaks up.

"Mentally or Villain wise?" Thor asks


"You know what the first one is complicated the later I can assure you she is perfectly good and a not evil person."

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