Chapter 21

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Natasha's POV

We got back to the tower and Katie and I get off the bike. I stand next to her and I look down to see that there was a blue light in her ear. I was confused but Bruce rushed towards us before I could say anything. Everyone was slightly beat up and Bruce was scanning us. Clint needed some stiches on his head, his arrow bounced back at his. The flight team was all fine. I only had a few bruises and scratches that needed to be cleaned. Then Cap was unscathed.

"Katie are you good?" Bruce asked her.

"Yup just my shoulder."

"What shoulder?"

"My left one, I dislocated it." She sounded so calm it was crazy.

"Are you sure it's dislocated?" Bruce asked, still kinda shocked.


"Uh well lets get everyone up to the med bay. Thor, Tony, Wanda are you sure you guys are ok?"

"Yeah we're fine," they chorused.

We got up to the med bay and Clint got his stitches and I am gonna clean all my wounds later. I have scars I don't want everybody else seeing.

"Here Katie let's look at your shoulder," Bruce says.

Katie slips her jacket off and she's wearing a long sleeve shirt but her shoulder is definitely not in it's socket. "Doesn't it hurt?" I ask.

"Nope, I can fix it by myself anyway." She proceeds to gripping her shoulder, turning her head and popping it right back into place. "Gahhhh that hurt."

"OMG why did you do that!" Bruce almost screams.

"It's fine, I've done it before."

"You've done it before...?" Bruce trails off. "Do you want me to take a look at it?

"Nope I'm fine thanks."

"Well I have to do your annual exam anyway."

"NO, I'm fine."

"You haven't had one in 9 years, you have to!" Tony exclaims.

"How do you know? I know for a fact that wasn't on my file.

"I- uhhh"

"It's not nice to google people."

"Well it's not my fault there is a new mysterious kid on our team."


"Hey guys calm down we can do the annual tomorrow, I need to look up all you vax records anyway." Bruce says.

"I'm up to date," Katie replies.

"I need proof."

"I'll get it."

"Where'd you get your vaccines."

"L-Corp, I have a friend there."

"L-Corp doesn't do vaccinations," Tony interrupts.

"Well I got mine there and I'll get the proof."

"You won't be able to, I've worked with the CEO, I know they don't."

"Oh yeah, you worked with Lena Luthor huh?"

"Hey Katie come on we can talk about this later, come with me," I stop them before this gets more heated. For some reason it's impossible for Katie and Tony to get along. I drag Katie to my room.

"Sorry," she says.

"No it's fine."

"You want me to help you clean your cuts?"

"Yeah that would be great, there is a kit under the sink."

"Ok, I'll grab it."

As she turns her back towards me I see a jagged scar running down the nape of her neck. I have a sneaking suspicion it has something to do with the fact she wouldn't do her physical.

"So you want to tell me why you resisted so much to doing a physical?" She became very concentrated on opening and alcohol wipe all the sudden. "Hey malysh, you can tell me. I won't tell anyone." She just shrugged and brought the wipe to my face and gently wiped the blood off my temple. I winced so she blew on it.

In Russian

"I- I can't say."

"You can't or you won't?"

"It's complicated, I want to but at the same time..."

"Hmm." She finished patching me up and I laid down, she laid down too. "You were amazing today, you have great technique."


" I want you to know you can tell me anything, I won't judge, I'll try and help you the best I can. Who knows maybe I might have experience on the matter."


"How about I ask a question and you ask a question. It can be about anything and you can always pass."

"Ok, you go first?"

"What's your favorite color?"

"Purple. Or black. Or Green. But probably purple. Sorry."

"No worries, your turn."

"What's YOUR favorite color."


"Matches your hair."

"Thanks, who is your best friend?" If I'm being honest I want to know whether or not it's that Sophie girl she is always secretly calling."

"This girl named Skylar. I've known her for 8 years, since kindergarten."

"That sounds amazing."

"It is. Can you ballet dance?"

"I can, maybe we can dance together sometime."

"That would be cool but I only know one dance."

"Which one?"

"I don't know what it's called but I can do it."

"Hmm interesting. How many languages do you know."

"A lot, too many to count. You can test me."

"What language am I speaking?" I ask in Chinese.

Katie goes red for some reason. "I can't tell, they mush together. You probably don't believe me." She looks down with a long face.

"Hey it's ok, why don't you try and get your vaccination records."

"Good idea, thanks." Katie pulls out a phone and I have my back propped up on a pillow and she is leaning on me.

Katie types in a number on her phone, "Hey Jess." "Yeah it's been I while I'm sorry. Please don't tell Lena." "I can't I'm sorry." "I don't want to but I don't know how I could come back after all this, I don't to hurt her more." "I just need a copy of my vax records, please." "I'll try, I am sorry. I miss you both. Bye."

JARVIS: Sorry to interrupt Mrs. Romanoff and Katie but Boss is requesting Katie in hos lab to figure out a suit.


"Would you please come with me I don't want to be alone with Stark."

"Of course silly, you got anything in mind yet."

"Yup I need to grab something from my room."

"Then let's go."

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