Chapter 11

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Disclaimer all characters (except for Katie) belong to Marvel. Also please do not steal Katie I made her myself.

Steve's POV

As the credits started rolling some of us were yawning.

"Imma turn in to bed, see you guys in the morning I suppose," Katie said. It was only 10 but it made sense since she was only 12.

"Alright see ya tomorrow," Clint said.

"Good Night," I told her.

"Have a good sleep," Bruce said.

"Tomorrow we shall eat pop tarts young one," Thor said.

"All right Thor," Katie chuckled. With that she left leaving us to chat amongst our selves.

--------------------------------------------BABY TIME SKIP TO 10:30--------------------------------------------------

"All right, I'm getting tired," Clint said.

"Mmh me too," Bruce said.

"Lets go to bed," Nat said.

"That sounds like a good idea," Wanda said.

"Ok," I replied. We all were about to get up and head to bed when we heard someone screaming bloody murder. It was coming from Katie's room, we all got up and ran to her room.

"Should we open the door?" I said.

"Uh yeah, she was screaming like crazy," Clint said.

"It seems as though she stopped," I replied.

"Shush," Nat said as she put her ear to the door. Then she promptly opened the door. Inside the kid was thrashing around tears dripping from her eyes.

"No! Not again!" She whispered.

She seemed to be mumbling in some weird language, I knew what this was, she was reliving something. It had happened to me so many times after coming out of the ice. I rushed forward and firmly grasped her shoulders. "Katie, Katie, it's okay it's over your safe," I told her. She curled up into a ball and hugged her knees.

"I don't have to listen to you Gisela," she whispered. Whoever this Gisela is she must have done something bad.

Nat rushed forward and did something so unexpected, she sat on the bed and hugged the kid. All our jaws dropped, Nat never let anyone touch her. She held the poor kid and rocked her back and forth and started whispering things none of us could hear. After a few moments Nat let go and the kid's eyes snapped open.

"Mmh," Katie groaned.

"Kid you ok," Clint asked. That's when she seemed to realize we were all standing there.

"Yup, I'm great," she replied.

"Are you having nightmares, because I can give you medicine and stuff," Bruce said.

"No, I'll be fine. But um, just wondering who woke me up."

"Um it was Nat," Tony said, "Why."

"No reason, well I'm going back to sleep it's only 11:00."

"O-ok are you sure," Tony asked.

"I'll be fine."

"You know you can talk to us right? We're your team," I spoke up.

"Yeah um thanks, I wanna asked Mrs. Romanoff something."

"Oh alright, we'll leave to give you guys some privacy," I told her. I practically had to shove everyone out.

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