Chapter 8

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Disclaimer all characters (except Katie, and Eli) belong to either Marvel or Shannon Messenger. Also please do not steal Katie I made her myself. Feel free to leave comments.

Katie's POV

As we entered my old house I felt uncomfortable, I haven't been in here since the day after I testified. I left a backpack of necessities and 3 sets of clothes here just in case so I'll take that so the Avengers assume the guest room is my room. I actually used to live behind the piano in the corner of the laundry room. I lead the Avengers in toss some poptarts to Thor and then told everybody I needed to make a call. I headed inside the guest bedroom and called Sophie, I knew Natasha was listening but it didn't even register with me. Sophie picked and I saw her face she was inside Havenfield, (Sophie's words will be in bold and Katie's will be in italics)

"Hey Sophie, WHAT HAVE YOU BEEN DOING YOU HAVEN'CALLED IN 2 DAYS! Alright I'm sorry I'll call more often, You have to promise, I promise but I need to tell you something, What did you get yourself into this time!? Well do you know the Avengers, Those Human heroes you once told me about? Yeah them well they kinda kidnapped me and asked me if I wanted to join them. Alright that's it I'm coming over, No! Do not come over what do you think they will they do if the see you, Gaaaa! Fine, but do they know, Well yeah one of them that's one of the reasons I joined I mean they had a mind reader she invaded my mind! But she didn't see anything, she only felt it. Fine just be careful and make sure to CALL!! Yes I'll be careful. You better make sure the Council doesn't find out about this they could count you for treason! I don't care about the council I'll just use the human excuse. That won't always work! So you better visit soon, Yes bye talk to you later."

I take my emergency supply backpack head out and tell Natasha, "Lets go, hope you had a fun time eavesdropping." I wasn't really mad, I didn't know what to feel, could I trust the Avengers?


Katie's POV

"Wowwww", I was impressed not to add to Tony's ego but Stark Tower was filled to the brim with cutting edge tech, this is literally my dream. As we got to the elevator we all piled in, and shockingly we fit! Honestly I was impressed, then Clint and Tony did the weirdest thing...

"I want to press it!" Clint yelled at Tony.

"No I do!" Tony yelled back.

"You got to do it last time!"

Thor looked at me and whispered," they do this every time." He was still munching on the poptarts I gave him, I'm surprised they lasted this long.

"It's my tower!" Tony yelled at Clint

"You use that excuse EVERY SINGLE TIME!" Clint yelled back.

I was done with them so I slipped in pressed the button that was labeled the Avenger's Floor and yelled, "Guys! Just stop it's already pushed."

"By who?" Tony said looking appalled.

"By ME!"

"What why?!?" Tony yelled.

"Urgh fine whatever", Clint grumbled.

"Sorry! It's just a button!"

"Yeah but it's in an elevator", Tony told me.

"So?" I gave him my shut up, I don't care, boys are idiot's look. Steve and Bruce gave me a high five just as we arrived at the Avenger's Floor.

We all sat down on the couches and Tony said, "Alright lets do introductions! I'm Tony Stark, A.K.A. Iron Man, Playboy, and Multi-Billionaire. He said this trying to look like a boss, Natasha rolled her eyes.

"Good for you", I said this really sarcastically.

"I'm Steve Rogers, A.K.A. Captain America." He said with a huge smile.


"I'm Bruce Banner, A.K.A. resident doctor, the other guy is the Hulk."


"Clint Barton, A.K.A. Halkeye." He said this emotionlessly.

"Alright Sir." I mean hey, I wasn't quite over the 3 tranq arrows.


"Natasha Romanoff, Black Widow" She also said this emotionlessly, so I assume she and Clint are spy's.

"Thor, Lover of Poptarts."

"Of course."

"Wanda Maximoff" I was shocked this was the first time she has spoken in a while. I look warily at her because I don't know what she thinks about what she felt.

Lets go see your room." So I followed him. As soon as he opened the door I was shocked. It was amazing, Like triple the size of Eli's old room. The room had Baby Blue walls, a desk, a couch, TV, ginormous walk in closet, beautiful paintings, and a KING SIZED BED!!!

"Thank You! This is amazing" I exclaimed, I was shocked the room was HUGE and amazing, and , wonderful, and a dream.

"I'm glad you like it, once you get situated come out and we can celebrate with pizza."

"Alright, I will be there in 5."

"Tony we get pizza like every other night", Natasha told him.

"But it's a special occasion," Tony replied.

"You just want pizza for yourself"


"Guys, I don't care what we eat." With that I head inside my new room to unpack. The first thing I did was add my custom chip to the camera in the corner of the room so I could moderate what people see through the camera and at what times. I mean they couldn't figure out I was part elf, at least not yet. So I unpacked, put a few of the pictures of my friends on the desk, put my very few clothes in the closet, and then called Sophie.

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