Chapter 15

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Clint's POV
We all headed down to the gym to train and then we changed into work out clothes. Well most of us.

"Do you have any clothes to work out in kid?" I asked Katie.

"Nope. Can't I just stay in these?"

"Well you can kid but others might be more comfortable to work out in."

"That's fine but I'm not really a kid."

"Yeah you are you like 11," Stark told her.

"I'm 12 my birthday was yesterday," she told him.

"What! Seriously," Bruce explained.

"We should of celebrated, I feel bad," Steve said.

"It's fine, yesterday was eventful, you guys kidnapped me," Katie said.

"Yeah not one of our finest moments but hey! You got to join the Avengers," Tony said.

"Yes, good for me," Katie said sarcastically.

"Ok ok ever simmer down let's do warm ups. Katie do you do any training or warmups." Tasha said.

"Uh yeah I usually just warmup then do some training." Katie replied.

"Ok everyone just warm up and then we can start training."

Everyone went of doing their own thing. Wanda, Tasha, and Bruce started stretch, Steve lifted weights, Tony fixed his hair, and Thor was swinging around his hammer. Katie started running laps like crazy fast. She completed around 5 laps in 5 minutes and our gym is huge. Like huge huge. Then she stopped went to a corner and started doing these crazy high jumps, to front flips, to back flips. This girl is insane how does she know how to do all this stuff? The most amazing part is she didn't even break a sweat.

As she started to move over to the exercise equipment Tasha asked her. "Do you know ballet?"

She paused, " uhhhhhh" like how does she not know whether or not she know s ballet? But the weirdest part is when her eyes widened and she clutched her stomach.

"Is she ok!" Bruce asked.

Then her shoulders started shaking.

"Is she crying?" Tony blatantly asked.

Then she dropped to her knees laughing uncontrollably.

"Is she laughing?" I asked.

"Wait Katieeee," Thor complained.

She seemed to try and pause for a second she looked at Thor still laughing and then all the sudden he was rolling around on the floor. A god! Rolling around on the floor laughing along with Katie.

"WHAT IS HAPPENING!" Tasha exclaimed not fully able to hide her shock.

After catching her breath Katie slowly stood. "Sorry I do know ballet I just remembered something really really funny."

"Was it sneezing baby pandas?" Stark dumbly asked.

"What? No!"

"Let's just get training guys. Katie is there anything you are better at then others fighting wise," Nat said.

"Um hand to hand combat," she replied.

"Alright let's see how good you are come face me," Nat challenged.


The pair walked out onto the mat and faced each other. I feel bad hopefully Nat doesn't slam Katie too bad. They circled each other and stared at each other for a bit until Nat made the first move. I was shocked every move Nat makes Katie expertly blocks it. Then Katie starts to attack, she is a tornado of kicks and punches. Within the minute Tasha is pinned down on the floor breathing heavily. Yet Katie didn't even break a sweat. Everyone's jaw was touching the floor except for Thor who was screaming.

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