Chapter 32

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3rd person

Everyone was sitting around the common room in an uncomfortable silence. It was obvious Katie did not want to be there and the others didn't want to be with her. The avengers were definitely not happy with Katie's response to being kicked off the team. The silence was getting unbearable.


"What the hell?" Stark shouted out in confusion.

"LOKI!" Katie jumped up right as Loki appeared in the common room.

"KATIE!" Loki yelled with the same enthusiasm.

Thor let out a long loud groan, "so it begins."

"You best be on your best behavior. As of right now you are only an unwanted visitor." Natasha stated which many of the others agreed with.

"Hey. Everyone they say he has reformed give him a chance." Steve said.

"Sooooooo. Not like we were doing anything anyway so Loki and I are gonna go. Byeee," Katie said.

"DONT BURN ANYTHING DOWN," Bruce shouted after them.

"NO PROMISES!" They yelled back in unison.

"So what's the story between them how did they meet?" Wanda asked.

"The same way I met Katie. We actually all met at the same time." Thor said.

"Where, when, and how?"

Thor just gave an unhelpful shrug.

" Ok. What the hell? There is some random kid living with us covered in scars and is hella good at fighting with more secrets than a teenager should have. What is up with her?!" Clint exclaimed.

"It's so odd. How could she have gotten all those scars??" Bruce said.

"She's a weird kid. Why is she never on a phone isn't that what kids are supposed to do? Natasha do your spy job and find SOMETHING out. We literally know nothing." Tony said

"Can't you just use your cameras?"

"No actually. I think she blocked them somehow."

"She blocked your fancy expensive cameras?!" Clint yelled

"YES OK. I already said so." Tony exclaimed.


That is how 4 of the worlds mightiest heroes ended up in the vents above Katie's room. Steve Bucky and Bruce decided they were above spying on children. And Thor was banned for being so unhelpful earlier.

Wanda's POV

We are now all crammed into the vents above Katie's room trying to listen to what they were saying. The only thing I could make out was a lot of maniacal laughter.

"What's happening?" Tony asked

"Shhh" Natasha snapped at Tony.

"I think their planning pranks. But I don't know what." Clint said.

"Uhh didn't Thor call Katie the "Great Prank Master?"

"THATS RIGHT!! PRANKS ARE COMING MUAHHAHHAHAHHA!" Katie was yelling from below. We barely had time to share terrified looks with each other before the vent door swims out from under us and we all crashed on Katie's bed. "I told you I don't like people who eavesdrop."

Natasha's POV

"I told you I don't like people who eavesdrop." Katie was looking directly as me as she said this. The next second she was blowing a glittery powder all over us. The next second we were covered in glitter and itching like crazy. But as everyone was frantically scratching their skin and screaming more glitter was coming and our skin was turning as HOT PINK as Katie's hair.

"Everyone stop scratching! It's making more glitter and turning our flesh pink!!" I yelled out.

"How!" Clint screamed.

"Well I am the god of mischief." Loki grinned.

Then they grabbed the corners of the sheet we were laying on and tossed us out the door.

"MY SKIN IS ON FIRE IT ITCHES!" Tony screamed.

"SHOWER!" Wanda yelled and hobbled off.

"Uhhh" Bruce and Steve just stood their in shock and confusion.

"It's going to be a longgg visit," Thor said.

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