Chapter 34

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Recap because it's been a while. If anyone's still reading.

So this is the book about Katie, she's half human half elf and was abuse by her 'parents'. She doesn't know who her real parents are and she resents The Council because they treated her bad because she's 50/50. Now she's an avenger. Recently Loki came to earth and no one trusts him. Katies been rude because she doesn't want to be on the tan and is closed off so now she's in trouble with Natasha.

If ur still confuse maybe read the last few chapters.

Katie's POV

Natasha dragged me to her room and dumped me on her beanbag chair while she took a seat on the bed. She gave me a look telling me she expected me to say something but I'm not going to say a word. After a longggggg few seconds of silence she said.

"What's up with you recently!" She practically screamed at me.

"What are you talking about?"

"You've been nothing but rude the past few weeks! This isn't you!"

"How the hell would you know?? I've barely been here a month!"

"You  used to be so sweet. You trusted me and I helped you. And look I know your supposed to be damaged and stuff but we all got our baggage! So stop being such an ass and be apart of our team!

I can't even with her I don't want to be here anyway! "I never trusted you and I don't want your team!"

"Oh yes you've made that perfectly clear! I just don't understand why we've all tried our best to welcome you even though we know nothing about you and all you do is be rude!"

I did notice how she never elaborate on that whole trust thing. "I don't know what you want from me! I'm sorry I'm here there's nothing I can do!"


Well now I feel bad, she's trying, that's kind of her but she doesnt understand how hard it is to open up. "I'm sorry  I actually am. But I can't tell you."

"What do you mean."

"I mean I actually can't tell you. The consequences are severe. There's a difference between not wanting to tell you and not being able to. I actually can't tell you. Trust me I wish I could make you all understand better but I'm simply not allowed."

"I still don't understand. Why aren't you allowed, who's stopping you."

"SEE it's so complicated. I just can't tell you why."

"PLEASE, just try as much as you can I won't ask questions," Natasha begs.

I have to think about it before speaking, "ok basically, these people that I don't like are trying to force me to do things. Not bad things persay but I don't want to do it. So this is the better option. I can't tell you anything about them but they are not bad people you don't need to worry about them."

"That sounds SO suspicious but I promised you more questions. But i NEED you to trust me more and try to let me in, you don't have to be chatty with the whole team. Just know I'm here for you."

"Wow. Thanks."

"I know how you feel, this is unfamiliar and you like your walls. But you can trust me. Let me in I'll help you."

Maybe she does understand, "I guess I can try."

"I know you can. Because guess what? This is basically the most open I've been in a while, idk if you've noticed but I like my walls as well. So we can both try and help each other out," Natasha said and then reached her arms out open.

"Thanks, I'll try, for us," I hesitantly leaned in.

The hug felt really nice, Natasha slowly laid down and I went with her.

"Shhh, I'm sorry for all the yelling. You can relax now, I'll stay here and you can rest."

"I'm sorry, I remember the previous weeks, ik how kind you were to me. But it was hard to show everyone my scars. I was vulnerable, I had to retreat."

"No you didn't, I don't see you any different. I love you."

I gasped, "really?!?" I got really excited. If anything, overly hopeful.

But that's ok because Natasha said, "I really do you're a great kid. I also know Fury of all over you to pick your guardian so I was wondering if you'd be ok with your guardian being me?"

"I would love be that! I mean it! Thank you!"

"Of course honey. I really don't mind at all ok? Just remember that."

"I will, I trust you Nat." With that I feel asleep in Nat's arms.

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