Chapter 13

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Fury's POV

After the Avengers left I started thinking about Katie. I know it's the best choice because they could all help each other, but I had a feeling the other Avengers wouldn't except her right away. There definitely is something she is hiding but I think in time and with trust she will tell the Avengers.

"Sir, do you really think it is smart to add a 12 year old to the Avengers?" Maria Hill said as she approached me.

"She is more then capable. Her skills are beyond imagining, and might be more mature than most of the Avengers, Agent Hill," I replied.

"There's no doubt in all of that but aren't you worried all of the Avengers won't get along? Like they won't trust her or treat her like an Avenger?"

"I was thinking about that and I think I might give them a call. Tell them they should make her feel welcome and except her because she is an Avenger now."


"It's settled I'll call the Avengers minus Katie right now."



"Avengers," I said.

"What, pirate," Stark said. Some of the Avengers snickered and I just rolled my eye. Some of them really are children.

"I wanted to make sure your ego wasn't to hurt that a 12 year old got added to the Avengers and is, stronger, smarter, and more worthy than you."

"OOH Stark you got ROASTED!" Agent Barton shouted.

"Shut it Barton."

"She is NOT smarter then me. We'll have to check her IQ," Stark said.

"You do that. I want to make sure you guys are gonna accept Katie and treat her like an Avenger because she is."

"But she's 12," Steve said.

"So. Age doesn't matter only her skills."

"Of course we will accept her she is part of our team," Romanoff says.

"Great, I want you to train with her. Get an assessment of her skills and be her friend. Treat her as apart of you family and maybe she will surprise you.

"What about medical? She hasn't had a check up since she was 3," Bruce tells me.

I must say I was a bit surprised but seeming as I couldn't find anything on her family it doesn't shock me. "Do whatever is required, all of you except Wanda who is still 17 are her legal guardians."

"What!" They all collectively said.

"Her parents are no shows."

"But their dead right?" Wanda asks.

"Maybe. I can't find any evidence of who Katie's parents are but they are most likely dead."

"Oh ok," Stark says.

"So I want you guys to care about her like family, she needs it. Also Barnes comes back from his mission in 2 weeks and I expect you to catch him up. (Pretend today is Wednesday.)

"Bucky is coming back!" Steve yells.

"Yes and some of the others are gonna be in and out of the Tower to meet Katie and get reacquainted with you all so have some guest rooms ready."

"When is it gonna start," Tony asks.

"Probably next month and Loki might stay for a bit."

"LOKI!" Barton yells.

"My brother was controlled and is good now I promise. He would like to see Katie again." Thor states.

"Again? Also Fury what do you mean she needs the love?" Romanoff asks.

"I'm surprised you haven't notice Romanoff, she is lacking emotion and very guarded. A lot like you actually."

"I don't LACK emotion. I just don't show it!" She yelled at me.

"Well, same with the kid help her show it. Well good night." I hung up the call and sighed, I'm too old. I need to contact Carol and just brief her about the new Avenger and visiting situation.

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