Chapter 25

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Natasha's POV

I needed to ask Katie about the blue light it her ears after the battle yesterday. So after we left the lab and a muttering Tony we went to my room.

"Hey Katie?"


"Yesterday after the battle there was a blue light in your ear."

"Oh yeah I guess I should explain..."

————time skip to after Katie explains everything besides anything involving the elves.———-

"Oh wow, so sorry about that."

"It's fine, I'm used to it."

"Do you know any sign language?"

"Yeah I'm fluent."

"Oh cool"


"Do you prefer to talk or sign."

"Sign, do you know any?"

"Also fluent."


"What's your name sign?" Katie shows me her name sign it's a K with her index finger tapping her temple twice.

"What's yours?" She asks me.
I show her mine. I'm really just shocked with the whole thing. How she was in such a bad accident and it takes so much energy to even listen to someone. We were just signing about until JARVIS notifies us the Fury is calling a meeting.

Nick fury's POV


"Yes sir"

"How are the Avengers getting along with their newest team mate?"

"Ok sir, it's a process."

"As expected, any particular bonds?"

"Romanoff and Katie seem to be bonding quite well."

"Yes they are quite similar."

"In what way sir?"

"They have no real family that they can completely trust, they are both guarded, they are both obviously skilled, and I think they are perfect for each other. They need each other to be family. How it Katie getting along with the other avengers?"

"Well she already knew Thor. How is still a mystery. She seems to have troubles with Stark and the rest of them she is extremely polite with."

"What kind of problems with Stark?"

"She seems to just be annoyed by his every action, but that's Stark for you. I think she finds him too egotistical."

"Hmm, call the avengers for a meeting in the conference room and I want you there too.

No one's POV

All the avengers were gathered in the conference room.

"So everyone," Fury starts, "how are you getting along with your newest team mate?"

"Fine," everyone chorused.


"All good."

"Great and how was your first battle yesterday?"

"It was fine, easy."

"Any injuries?"

"Just a few bumps and scratches, and I dislocated my shoulder."



"You're going to have to have your annual exam Katie. From what I've heard you haven't had one in years," Hill butts in.


"Why not?"

"Not happening."

"You have too."

"No" Russian

"You speak other languages?" Fury asks shocked.

"I'll give you answers if I don't have to do the exam."

"You're doing it"

"No" Latin

"You can't be on the team if we can't be sure you are healthy."

"Fine with me."

Fury tried to death glare her. Let's just say he got a taste of some much worse medicine.

"Fine we need you on the team. But I can still call your emergency contact."

"I don't have a emergency contact. You're bluffing." Katie wished she could believe what she was saying but the shadows were telling her otherwise.

"Ali, now might be the time to tell you that there is a Bob Pink on your file with a phone number," Thor interrupt in Asgardian.

Katie groans and rolled her eyes. "Fine. I'll do your dumb annual."

"What's the big deal with this Bob Pink that you will do something that you have been resisting so hard so that I won't contact him?" Fury asks.

"That's my problem. You got what you wanted anyway."

"Hey I'm not the enemy. I'm trying to help you."

"Well, you're not."

"Come on Katie I'll do your annual now, it'll be quick and easy," Bruce tells her.

Katie groans, "come on it's not that bad we all had to do it." Natasha tells Katie before grabbing her hand and dragging her towards the med lab.

"Well this should be interesting," Hill says after everyone leaves the room.

"We'll see," Fury says, and with that Hill pulls up the live footage for the med bay.

If I have any faithful reader(s) out there please comment and let me know. Even if it's just a period. Please, I just want to know you are there.

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