Chapter 6

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Disclaimer all characters (except Katie) belong to either Marvel or Shannon Messenger. Also please do not steal Katie I made her myself. Feel free to leave comments.

Katie's POV

I woke up but didn't move as part of my Black Swan brain transmission training (when the Black Swan trained me in fighting and stuff by secretly transmitting stuff into my brain) I felt like I was strapped to a chair and I could feel hand cuffs on my hands. Once I was fully alert I opened my eyes, I was in a totally white room with a table in front of me a chair on the other side and a large mirror on my left side. I knew immediately that there were 8 people behind the mirror so I started talking.

"Did you guys have to tranq me, I know there's 8 of you behind that mirror", I said. I would of pointed at the cameras and mics so that the people knew I was aware of them just to push their buttons. But I didn't want to reveal that fact or show them I could take off my cuffs which pinned my arms behind me. Then the red head spy walked in in a tight black body suit with 2 guns and sat down in the chair opposite of the table. So I started to talk to her. "Sup, where's your tranqing buddy because I really would like to know if shooting 3 tranq arrows at me was necessary."

"Hello my name is Natalie Rushman--" the red head started to say. I could tell she was lying so I interrupted her, her face was super funny.

"That's a lie, your name is not Natalie Rushman but you seem Russian so I assume your name is something like Natasha or Natalia", I told her just to poke her buttons.

"Alright fine my name is indeed Natasha Rushman but that's not important and I'm here to interrogate you." She almost tricked me by not lying about her first name but I still didn't trust her. She did indeed look annoyed so I think I'll just keep annoying her because the slightest reaction is still super fun.

"You're still lying about your last name and I care about what your name is so I don't have to make you a name in my head. But since I'm already here, without my consent by the way, go on and ask your questions."

"What's your name"

"I believe you already know that"

"What. Is. Your. Name."


"Your FULL name."


"Whatever, I would like you to know we tranqed you because it was necessary and you were becoming hostile and we needed to take you in and we also don't care about your consent. I would also like to know how you knew I was lying the first time, and the second time." I had a really funny comeback for the tranq comment and  the consent thing was kinda rude but I could tell by her voice she didn't mean it.

"So you're sayin the "world's mightiest heroes" couldn't beat a 12 year old kid." I wanted to see how she would react since she's supposed to be a "spy".

"No we just didn't want to harm you."

"Alright okay 1 sticking 3 arrows in a kid doesn't really follow your words but alright. Earlier I knew you were lying because your expression was way to blank even if you were a spy. If you were to want to better trick people you should let some more emotion onto your face and try to relax it so people don't see you trying to hide it." Even though I could tell she was lying because the shadows told me, I knew giving her advice would really send her into her thoughts so why not.

"Can we please get on with this interrogation?" 

"You're already asking me questions."

"Are you a terrorist." I was thinking about my answer, because I mean a few things were destroyed.

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