Chapter 24

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Wanda's POV

I was chilling in my room until I heard a knocking. It was Nat and Katie, I wonder why.

"Hey Wanda wanna go shopping with us."

"SHOPPING!" Katie cried out.

"Yes you need more clothes than just 7 sets of leggings and shirts and we need to get you something nice for the press conference."

"I don't need new clothes and I'll just wear my new suit for the stupid press. If they don't like it they can deal with it."

"Fine but we're still going you need new clothes"

"Yeah let's go it'll be fun!" Wanda interjects.

"Ugh no."

"Fine I understand if you don't like us and don't want to hang out with us."

"Wait no! I'm sorry I'll go... Hey! You tricked me."

Wanda just smirked, grabbed her coat and shoes and walked out the door.

"Don't worry milaya you'll survive."

Katie just goes to the rooms with Natasha to grab their stuff which for Katie was her disguise from the paparazzi a hat given to her by her best friend. They went to go meet Wanda at the elevator and they were off!

————time skip to the mall————

"KATIE KATIE," some paparazzi behind us yelled. Katie whipped around and gestured to herself confused. "How are you how are you coping!?" I was confused is Katie famous?

"I think you have the wrong person."

"Stop lying! We know it's you," some rude guy yelled.

"I'm sorry but I'm not who you are looking for."

She turns around and starts walking faster.

"Katie where do you wanna go?" Nat asks her."

"Whichever store I don't care."

"Nordstroms it is."

The paparazzi are still following us and screaming at Katie questions that are to mushed to hear. Katie turns around all the sudden and stops. "Just bug off already and leave me be for one day! I'm having a press conference later so talk to me then!"

"Really where!?" Some woman asks.

"Stark industries, now GO BUG OFF." The reporters scrambled off hoping to have their questions answered later. "Sorry you had to deal with that. I didn't know they would find me so fast."

"Are you famous?" I ask.

"Not really, maybe one day I'll explain."

"Don't rush it's ok. What kind of clothes do you like?"


"Fine we'll just have to look and find your style. It's summer do you really want to stay in long sleeved shirts and pants?"


We dragged Katie around showing her clothes but she always said no. At the same time we were picking up things for ourselves.

After 2 hours we headed back to the tower so Katie could get ready. And after going to all the stores Katie had nothing and seemed perfectly fine with it. She seemed to like some clothes but never got them anyway. Natasha kept telling her that money wasn't a problem and she seemed to understand so it's something else I just don't know it yet. And I can't get into her mind. Somehow she's blocking me.

We got back to the tower so we dropped off our new stuff in our rooms and then headed to the press room. There was 15 minutes till so Katie pressed some buttons on her bracelet and her suit formed around her. She looks bada$&. It was a long sleeved tunic with pants and knee high boots that's black with some purple . The boots are black.

We head into the room, me and Nat stay on the side while Katie takes her seat next to all the microphones.

"Ok let's start, questions later. If you are one of those people so thinks they can sneak in a question early you will lose your question later. Don't because I will remember." Katie says starting out intimidating and looked familiar with the situation. "So my name is Katie and I am so the newest avenger. Some of you might have seen me fighting robots in Central Park, from now on I will be assisting the Avengers as their newest teammate. So I guess that's it questions?"
Everyone started scrambling to shove their hands up in the air. Katie started pointing to people. "Kara Danvers, Catco Media isn't it?"

"Yes I'm flattered you remembered. As the newest and youngest Avengers how are you feeling as for fitting in."

"We'll everyone is fairly nice so that's good and I've been apart if the team for a little under 3 weeks so I'd say it's going rather fine. Ok now Trent Grimm, The Independent. (Please dont sue me for copyright I changed his name.")

"Trent Grimm, The Independent. How did you join the Avengers in the first place."

"Well that's a funny story and I think I'll keep you guys guessing. But I will say this, I didn't send any letters begging to join or anything so don't try the boss approached me."

"So what was your original response?"

"No" everyone started clamoring and throwing their hands in the air.

"Yes, Bob Apple, the Daily Planet."

"You are quite young, and are ab incredible fighter but aren't you worried about injuries?"

"Not at all. I'd rather get hurt myself than others getting hurt and I expect my team to have my back on the battlefield just as I should have theirs."

Katie picked on someone else. "I don't know you so let's see how decent of a person you are."

"Karen Smith, Gossip Girl Blog. Did the "boss" offer you a job because he saw your sob story on the internet and decided to pity you and give you a job."

"Well I think my skill speaks for itself and shows I'm not just some random person that was given a job based on pity and I also don't think the boss would be so rash to risk a kid's life because he felt bad for her. This conference is done. Thanks for being so insensitive. Bye" Katie got up and we left.

"Hey are you ok milaya?" Nat asks.

"I'm fine I was expecting it anyway."

"We can just order pizza tonight, take a break watch a mix or tonight."

"Sounds great"

We head to the common room but as soon as we turn on the TV we see the press conference already streaming on a loop.

"Hey let's go watch a movie, we'll force the boys to bring us our pizza later," I say after seeing how uncomfortable Katie gets."

"Yeah let's go to my room, your pick milaya."

We head to Nat's room and we watch all the minions movies. Katie LOVES them and is cracking up laying on Nat's lap. I'm just chilling watching the movie. Soon we all forget about the things that are worrying us and submerge ourselves into the world of Minions.

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