Chapter 27

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Katie's POV

I had gotten a burger soap that was cinnamon scented and the picked up Big Belly Burger and an extra burger box for that soap. I flew off towards the L-Corp balcony, the door was already open and Lena was waiting on her couch waiting for me in lounge clothes. I landed, took a deep breath trying to build my courage until I decided to step inside. I stepped out of the shadows and closed the door behind me.

Lena leaped up and hugged me. I swear I almost died from lack of air, but I just sunk into the hug. I couldn't help it. We collapsed on the couch and were sobbing in each other's embrace.

"I'm so sorry," I choke out.

"Hey it's ok but don't EVER do that again. I missed you too much. Now how about you tell me every thing. Starting from when you left."

"Ok, so after I said goodbye I returned to the lost cities where the gang was waiting. And off we went. It was a long month, we spent days chasing you Neverseen across the world, then a fight went wrong and I was kidnapped. I was tortured for 19 days, crazy things happened and my ears were hit with the melder. So bad I went deaf. After I was rescued it took weeks for my ears to heal. That's why I didn't come back when the battle ended, my ears hadn't healed yet. Now I have these special hearing aids that have tech that go all the way to my brain so I can hear. The thing is to hear I have to focus and to listen I really have to concentrate. It takes a lot of energy and took weeks to get used to. But after the battle it has already been two months before I could really use the aids listen for a while. I still have to take breaks and I just never came back. A week later the Neverseen summoned us to some abandoned wreckage and there we fought. It was the worst hours of my life. We fought some of the Neverseen died and the council did nothing. They just stayed away protected let us do the fighting. The children because they were too important to the Elvin world. I had killed Gisela and in the end the whole hands mind broke. Sophie count heal them because she was gone. That's when everything changed. My powers are shadows but the purest light blasted from me into them. I had healed them and the battle was over. When the battle was over I never contacted you because I just didn't know how to tell you all this I'm sorry."

"I'm so sorry I wish I could have helped."

"It's ok it was my choice."

"I saw you on the news, the Avengers?!"

"Yeah they kidnapped me, shot me with a bunch of tranqs. They interrogated me and tested my skill and asked me to join. I didn't want to but the council was about to force me to join team Valiant. I was so done working with them I decided to join The Avengers."

"Are they good to you, is that why you decided to finally talk to me?"

"Ha, yeah they are mostly nice. Stark is a prick just like you told me, Wanda keeps trying to read my mind, Bruce, oh well, Steve and Clint are fine, Thor I haven't told you but the Asgardians helped the elves in the battle so I already knew Thor. Spoiler alert here sucks at keeping secrets. I haven't told the Avengers about my powers yet. So it's great trying to keep secrets when I suck at lying. Nat is great she's the nicest, the most understanding, kinda like you but different because it's like she has experience. S to why I'm here, I did miss you, so so so much but this pushed it. They made me do a physical, which by the way is the only reason I contacted Jess to get my vax records. For the exam I had take my shirt off so they saw ALL my scars. I want ready for them to know yet. I left and when I return I have to explain."

"Oh dear, well your here now, how long?

"3 days."

"Well that's plenty of time to catch up as long as you keep visiting ok?"

"Of course."

"Well then what shall we do?"

"Well I was thinking finally teaching you Elvin alchemy?"


"Ok then let's do this."

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