Chapter 20

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I should probably explain. I was kidnapped by the Neverseen for 19 days. I was tortured for information. Except physically hurting never worked, I was used to it. So instead they mentally ripped my brain apart. I am a polyglot, but I don't have full control over it. I get really confused on what language I am speaking. It's embarrassing, I can speak any language and to animals but I don't have control over it. It's also really confusing and mind warping. Gisela also happened to be a polyglot AND she has full control over it. So she would constantly switch languages and say taunting things then say, "what language am I speaking now huh?" Soon everyone sounded the say but I refused to say anything. Gisela was furious.

She already had people try to go into my mind but if an elf tries to enter my mind they're mind breaks. They're are to many shadows around my mind and just one of my nightmares would break an elf's mind. Ruy tried to remove them by putting a force shield around my mind but it didn't work.

One day it was too much, I couldn't tell the difference between Gisela and Ruy so I had yelled "ZIP IT."

"Oh you want it to stop huh?" Gisela taunted.

I started crying and nodded my head. "Ok you ask for it," Gisela said with the biggest smirk on her face. She had two melders in each hand and thrusted them in my ears. She was blasting them for a whole 30 seconds. I could see her mouth moving through the black spots in my eyes but I couldn't hear anything. There was the most overwhelming burning, searing fire in my ears and I blacked out.

The next thing I know I'm in the healing center but I can't hear anyone. I was deaf. Sophie was there in front of me signing to me in ASL what everyone was saying. I didn't have enough energy to sign back. I had been out for 8 days and no one had heard from the Neverseen since I was rescued. They had finally found me in some old Neverseen hideout and Tam incapacitated Ruy during my rescue which ended up being the reason for their temporary silence.

It took a long time for my ears to heal and when they did me, Elwin, and Dex developed hearing aids. You know how you can always hear but have to concentrate to listen? Well with the hearing aids I had to concentrate to hear and really concentrate to listen. At the beginning I could barely do it for 5 minutes but over time I could use the aids longer and only needed breaks. The hearing aids are invisible unless I have them off, then they glow blue so everyone knows I can't hear them. They are also waterproof and I only have to take them out to make sure I don't get an infection every two months. Except Elwin was to do it because most of my inner ear was burned to once Elwin did his best to heal the skin in my ear. I had to get surgery to connect the aids to my brain so my Elvin mind would reconnect to my ears and be able to hear with a lot of effort.

I don't mind being deaf, life was peaceful and ASL is a beautiful language that I have no troubles with. My problem was everyone wanted me to talk and use the aids but it hurt, it was tiring. I'm a lot better now but talking was a whole different thing. It took a whole month for my ears to heal enough to use the hearing aids and if I couldn't use them I couldn't test if they work. So I couldn't hear and wouldn't speak for 5 weeks if you count when I was rescued and knocked out and stuff.

So when I started to speak again all the languages were even worse it pulled my mind in 1000 different directions and when I spoke I couldn't control which language it just came out. I still have trouble with it. If you speak to me in a language I'll automatically speak that language, if I don't speak it that often I might not even know what Im speaking. If I try to switch languages without hearing someone first it can get hard. Switching between English, ASL, and the Enlightened Language is easy because I use them so much but others I even have to have other people start speaking the language first.

So sometimes after a big battle it's just easier to turn the aids off. I usually try to take breaks when no one else is a round but sometimes it just takes too much energy and I just have to stop.

There was so much traffic right now it took 20 minutes to get back to the tower. Once Nat and I got off the bike she stood next to me. That's when I think she first noticed the aids.

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