Chapter 23

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Tony's POV

I'm in my lab and I got bored so I called Katie down to test her IQ and make her suit. The kid stumped me, she was so polite, but so sassy and rude to me. She just couldn't seem to stand to be around me. She's also never on her phone, I haven't even seen it. Aren't middle schoolers supposed to be addicted to their devices? 10 minutes later she came down with Nat.

"Hey kiddo," I said.

"Haha, very funny," She replied very sarcastically.


"I'm not a kid."

"You're not even 13."

"Ok you two. If you don't break it up I'll lock you in here together," Nat intervened.

"Fine, what are we doing," Katie groans.

"You are taking this IQ test. Just keep answering the questions till you can't anymore," I say with a smirk.

"Ew, I thought we were making my suit."

"After. I need to make sure you're smart enough."

I hear a muttered, "A$s," under a certain someone's breath.

Katie grabs the thick stack of papers I put in front of her, puts her head down and gets working. There are 100 pages and no one has ever finished the whole packet. I've gotten to 69 but who's counting? ME. On the last pages there are sometimes just one universal question that leaves loads of space for you to solve. That's how intense the test gets. My IQ is 186 which is VERY impressive and Bruce's in 162. Katie is speeding through the questions and after 1 hour and 15 minutes she is done. WITH THE WHOLE PACKET. I was shocked. I uploaded it to Jarvis for him to scan the results.

"Okay kiddo, so how did you find the test."

"I'm not a kid."

"I know you are a kiddo." I'm grinning at myself.

Katie muttered something to Nat in Russian. I didn't know she knew Russian. "The test was super easy. The end problems took some thinking but I'm pretty sure I got them right."

"Ok I guess we can start building your suit. You have any ideas?"

"Yep I have some blueprints. Have you figured nanotech out yet?"


"That's fine I'll show you."


"Yup, want me to show you how?"

I was very conflicted, OF COURSE I WANTED TO BE SHOWN THE KEY TO NANO TECH. Just not from a kid, I also have no idea how she knows.

"Sure." She proceeds to explain the ins and outs of nanotech and we get working. She showed me her blueprints and the design is a long sleeved tunic with thumb holes with hundreds of places to store weapons and stuff, pants that had more pockets, and boots that came just below her knees, and you guessed it places for knives and of all things throwing stars. It was all laced with some vibranium because we found out that the vibranium had properties that could bind the nanotech together better and made good armor. The suit is made out of a light, stretchy, thin and flexible material that wasn't as tight as spandex, but kinda like it. The whole thing was black but had so stripes of purple throughout.

Katie had more tech on her than I thought. She had a ring that holds her AI and it's one of those spinney ones so she doesn't get bored. Her AI Alyssa does different things. (Wow naming the AI after myself.) She also does actually have a phone, it's old but she says she doesn't use that much anyway which I actually think I believe. She has Alyssa in a second form, a fidget toy that she keeps in her numerous pockets. She has a thing for pockets. And now she has a bracelet with her name on it that has her suit inside. All she has to do is press the letters on her bracelet in a certain sequence and the suit wraps around her.

"Sir the test results are in," Jarvis interrupts my thoughts.

"Well lets hear them."

"Her IQ is 316"

I swear I felt my jaw drop. That is almost more than me and Brucey combined.

"KIDDO YOU BROKE THE WORLD RECORD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"


"You don't seem to care. You are a literal GENIUS!"

"I now I already took the test at L-Corp."


"I got higher than last time so I guess it was worth it."

"What did you get last time?!?!"


"OMG you beat the world record twice and you beat your own record."

"Ok nerds. Thanks for the suit Tony but unless there is something else Ill leave you to your burst bubble." Nat says. I was muttering I realized. But it was just so surreal."

Then I remembered, "Katie I set up a press conference for you because we have to officially announce you joining. The press are going insane a news chopper got footage of the robot battle. You have 3 hours to get ready."

"Ugh I hate the press."

"Come on let's go find Wanda," Nat told Katie for whatever reason.

So off they went leaving me to my boredom.

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