Chapter 14

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Steve's POV

After Fury ended the call we all went to bed. It was currently about to back breakfast for me and my teammates when I heard a voice.

"Good Morning Mr. Rogers," I had turned around to see Katie. I wonder why she is up so early. She was dressed in a large hoodie and jeans.

"Good Morning Kid, just call me Steve."

"Alright Mr. Steve."

"I- nevermind, what are you doing up so early?"

"Eh, I always wake up this early."

"Why? I heard you teenagers love to sleep in."

"1, I still have one more year until I turn a teenager, and I wake up this early because I like it and so I can get to school on time."

"It's not the school year."

"Yeah, but you have to keep habits." This kid is pretty mature.

"Ok, kid."

"So, what are you doing."

"Well, I'm about to make breakfast."

"Oh, I can make it."

"Are you sure? It's really easy for me to do."

"Yeah, it's fine, you probably have other stuff to do." I was gonna go on my morning run.

"Sure, I guess."

"Pancakes then?"

"You can make pancakes?"

"Yes, sir."

"I may be a military man but no need for formality's"

"Sorry, habit."

"Well the recipes on the fridge."

"No need, I memorized my own."

"Really?" Knowing how to make food is one thing, but memorization is a whole other.

"Eh, I love to bake amongst things."

"Alright well I'm gonna go on my morning run, see ya kid. Oh and also make a lot, like 100 pancakes." Hey! The Avengers eat a lot.

"Okay, what time will you be back?"

"Right now is 5:15 so probably around 7:15."

"Alright see ya."

"See ya, Katie."

At that I head to the elevator so I could leave on my morning run.

Katie's POV

As soon as Steve left I started working on the pancakes. Since I had to bake and cook all the time for Arnold and Anna I knew how to do a bunch of thing and memorized the recipes because of my photographic memory. Everything I couldn't find I just asked Jarvis where to find things, and within 10 minutes I had all the batter ready which looked about 5 buckets worth. So I took out 3 pans, placed them on the stove and started to spoon batter into classic pancake shapes. I usually dye the batter weird colors and pipe the pancakes different shapes but I decide to go simple and do classic.

By 6 I had all 100 pancakes done so I took all the plates and placed them on the table. I sat down and waited for everyone to come out. To pass the time I quickly ran to my room to grab my current project I was working on. I was building an AI chip to go inside this fidget flip toy I can carry around so it is inconspicuous and so I don't get bored. I would of had it done by now but I was lacking parts, normally I would get parts from Lena because the elves didn't have human tech and stuff but hadn't spoken to her in forever. The last time I spoke to Lena was after the war by sending her a quick text to let her know that I was still alive. For a few weeks she blew up my phone calling and texting be trying to get me to answer but after a while she gave up and only did it once every few weeks. I feel bad but things were so different before the war and I just don't want to look back. Things happened since then, life is so different. I continue to tinker with the parts in the AI so it would be able to except coding and hold a speaker. It's already around 7 when I hear a shout.

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