Chapter 5

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Disclaimer all characters (except for Katie) belong to either Marvel or Shannon Messenger. Also please do not steal Katie I made her myself.

Natasha's POV

We suited up then headed out, the kid was spotted at the park. When we arrived Katherine was walking around the park in laps. When we got there she seemed out of it, like she was deep in her thoughts. She was just standing still, it seems she has been standing there for a few minutes. All the sudden she resumed walking seeming tense, then she started to change her course and before we knew she led us into a secluded area and turned around.

"It's rude to follow people you know" Katherine said. She turned around , so Tony, Thor, Clint, and I jumped out, "The rest of you too" she called, but we were in bushes and trees, she couldn't possibly know where we are right? Then she started pointing, at different places, the places where we were all hiding. So everyone else came out of hiding.

"Katherine", she flinched as I called her name "we are hear to take you in for questioning." I really just wanted for her to cooperate.

"1 it's just Katie and 2 I think I'll pass on the questions, but I have a question" she said.

"Fine Katie what is your question", I said. She must be one of those kids who were obsessed with nick names.

" Why are the Spandex wearing Heroes following me", Katherine said. She didn't know who we are, we're on the news like everyday what has this kid been doing. Fury did say her parents were gone, she was probably grieving even if the battle was a while back. I don't know when her parents died, I kinda feel bad for her.

Tony spoke up, "We are the worlds mightiest heroes, the Avengers and on the news like everyday kid, we saved the world. You are so lucky to have met the Avengers, and I'm Tony Stark, Iron Man the billionaire. " Tony stressed the word billionaire trying to make it known he was rich, so pointless.

"Ohhhh of Stark Industries, good for you", she told Tony. She said that really sarcastically, So much for cooperation.

"Listen kid, you're young just come with answer a few questions and then you can leave," Clint told her.

"That's a lie, you don't know if your boss will let me leave after so I'm just going to pass," she retorted. I wonder how the kid could tell Clint was lying, she was good.

"Come on, kid don't you want to come inside Stark Tower, aren't you a little be curious?" Tony asked. I didn't think this would work, Tony always thinks every is one of his fans, she just scoffed and rolled her eyes.

" First of all I probably be in the Interrogation part of Stark Tower so pass, and second why is Thor with you morons", She said.

"Young Katie these are my comrades but I do not agree with them trying to capture you." Thor told her. Again how does Thor know Katie!

"Alright then that's it I guess we're doing this the hard way," I signaled the others to attack.

Katie's POV

"Alright then that's it I guess we're doing this the hard way," The red head signaled to attack.

I only knew Thor because he helped the elves in the war and we became really good friends, Steve Rogers because he was alive in the 1940s, and Tony Stark because He has a huge tech company. I only know the others code names, I was off the grid in the Elvin world trying to defeat the Neverseen when those aliens invaded and whatnot. I came back and they were finishing up final repairs on the city and everyone was practically back to normal and raving about the Avengers. I hadn't really tried to catch up but they were attacking me so no time to get to know them. "Oh come on!", I yelled at them. Then they attacked.

(Really bad at fight scenes so the scene is going to be short)

The red head charged me head on and then came in for a punch to the face and then I judo flipped her. "Sorry!" I yelled, even though I don't think it mattered to her at this point. Then robin hood came and shot like 3 arrows at me! I ducked 2 of them and caught the other. Stark came in with his robot suit and started blasting stuff at me, but I used my technopath ability and made him drop out of the sky. Thor is just standing on the side cheering me on and doing his usual fan-god thing, while the rest of the Avengers are giving him the death glare, and near him was this dude that was just standing there being practically useless. I assume he is like the team doctor/scientist so I'm dubbing him Albert Einstein, I think he might turn into that Green Monster. Steve threw his shield at me, I caught it and threw in right back. I guess he didn't expect it so it hit him and knocked him out. Then the creepy witch made me float but I discreetly used my powers to steady myself as she dragged me towards her then I kicked her. Then the green thing happened, Albert Einstein grew super big, tall, and buff, and GREEN! Green is my favorite color and I also was right about him turning into the Monster, well back on track now. I tried to fight the thing and knock him off balance but then someone shot me, most likely by robin hood. It didn't bother me until I realized it was a tranq arrow, because of my Elvin DNA I was still awake but still sluggish. Then robin hood did the annoying thing and shot 2 more! I couldn't dodge and they both hit me. I was going down.

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