Chapter 2

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Disclaimer all characters (except for Katie) belong to either Marvel or Shannon Messenger. Also please do not steal Katie I made her myself.

Katie's POV

I started to realize my powers when I was 4, except could never test or practice because of my parents. Somehow I always knew that I was a shade, I could control shadows and more so shadowflux. Apparently Mr. Pink secretly and subtlety implanted information into my brain along with a bunch of other things, so I would know stuff, and have secrets stored in my brain.  Mr. Pink's name was actually Tiergan and is a telepath, but sometimes I still like to call him Mr. Pink because it annoys him. I didn't really understand how I had my powers or what they were exactly until Tiergan. The powers came with be being an elf, I could do endless thing with my shadows that were yet to be discovered when Tiergan first told me, I can do so many things now and I've learned so much. But shadowflux was different it took more control and command. Tiergan explained that shadowflux was like the opposite of quintessence the mysterious fifth element. Shadowflux is the sixth element and I can do so much with it. Shadowflux needs to commanded or else it is just rogue, only some people could control it, like me and my friend Tam. I can use my shadows to hide me and other people like my Elvin friends, Sophie, Dex, Fitz, Biana, Keefe , Linh, Marella, Tam, and occasionally Wylie and Maruca. I can also blast things with a concentrated shadow beam, that is not even the end of it. Shadowflux is so much more, I can shape it into shapes that you can actually see, I can make shadowflux different textures too. I can make it hard or squishy like a pillow or and other thing. I can make myself float on hardened shadowflux and fly around the world.  My powers also let me shadow whisper, where my shadows carry my voice to other people and no one else could hear me. I also have shadow hearing where I can listen through my shadows to other places in the world. I have shadow travel where I make my self into a shadow and travel other places, which goes along with sensing where shadows are and feeling objects and people around me. I have other abilities too but being a shade is my strong point. I'm a polyglot and I can speak as many languages as they exist by just hearing them and I can mimic other peoples voices. I'm also a technopath and it's like I can speak to tech and tell it what to do, I'm also really good at using technology, building it, and hacking it. I even just discovered I can inflict in some sort of way so positive energy blasts out of me. So far I can only positive stuff so I can unbreak people's minds, but who knows, I've only ever tried it once...

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