Chapter 7

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Disclaimer all characters (except for Katie) belong to either Marvel or Shannon Messenger. Also please do not steal Katie I made her myself.

Fury's POV

After the Avengers captured Katherine or as they told me Katie they put her in an interrogation room. Just one hour later she woke up and she started talking. "Did you guys have to tranq me, I know there's 8 of you behind that mirror", Katie said. She pointed right at us but she couldn't know we were here could she? So I sent Natasha in and what happened in there scared me, She is one of our best agents and a 12 year old kid saw through her and then gave her advice! We didn't really get much information from her so when Natasha came back I told all the Avengers to do different things to test her. Steve would arm wrestle with Katie, Tony would give her a test to test her intelligence, Clint would have her draw on a paper her Troop placement and battle strategy, Wanda would read her thoughts, Bruce would give her a psych test, and Thor would have her try to lift Mjolnir. But of course nothing went as planned. Katie beat Steve in their arm wrestle record time, she aced Tony's test like it was nothing, her perfect battle strategy was shocking and scary, Wanda practically came out crying, Bruce's results were worrying, and SHE LIFTED MJOLNIR! At the point when she lifted Mjolnir we were all already shocked and impressed but when she lifted the dang hammer it was jaw dropping.

So I lifted the one-way mirror and simply said, "Would you like to join the Avengers?" But what happened next was the most shocking.

"No", she simply said one world but it had all of our eyes practically popping out of our heads.

Tony's POV

Fury lifted the mirror and did something shocking, he asked Katie if she would like to join the Avengers! I mean she's only 12 even if her skills were impressive, but then she did something even more shocking. She said "No".

So of course I just had to tell her, "Kid, everyday people are begging and would kill to join the Avenger's but always get turned down. Today you get a once in a life opportunity to join us and save the world, save lives and you're just going to say no?

"Been there, done that and yes, my answer is no. You are an egotistical bigheaded idiot and you don't realize there are other reasons the world is still standing besides you. Plus it would be a constant life of your guys (pointing at the Avengers) eyes on me and your eye (points to Fury) on me." I was shocked and my ego was seriously hurt.

"Will you just consider it", Fury asked her.

"Fine", she told him, "but can I have the stuff you took off me back please." for a kid who can yell and insult she can be quite polite, even if she looked ready to fight Fury if he refused.

"Alright, Agent Barton retrieve her stuff"

"Thank you I will consider your offer." Clint came in with her stuff and handed it to her. The bin holding her stuff contained a small box, a few pieces of tech, a small silver square, a crystal, and a small metal capsule. She took out the small silver square looked at what seemed to be a screen on it , her face was suddenly grim, her head snapped up and said... "Fine I will join your team."

"Great," Fury told her, "You will be staying at the Avenger's tower like everybody else and since your parents are gone the Avenger's will act as some sort of your legal guardians." I suddenly felt bad for the kid her parents were dead, we captured her interrogated her, and basically forced her to join us.

"Alright then I have one condition, I can leave the tower whenever I want."

"Fine, that seems fair but you must return after you leave."

"Of course, when do we start."

"Well you can go with the Avengers to pick up a few of your things of course and then head back to the tower to get acquainted, all though you seem to already know Thor."


"Oh and kid?"


"Welcome to the Avengers."

                                     ------------TIME SKIP TO IN FRONT OF KATIE'S PARENT'S HOUSE------------

Natasha's POV

"All right we're hear", I told Katie."

"Umm thanks come on in." She gestured to the door as she opened it, but she looked uncomfortable. Once we were all inside she headed inside threw Thor some poptarts which he looked very happy about, I wonder how she knew he loved them, although they do seem to know each other very well. Then she looked around before turning around and saying, "I need to make a call, I'll be back." She headed somewhere that looked like it might be a bedroom, so naturally I followed to listen in. The phone was on speaker but I could only hear Katie because the phone wasn't loud enough to hear out her through the door.

"Hey Sophie- Alright I'm sorry I'll call more often- I promise but I need to tell you something- well you know the Avengers- Yeah them well they kinda kidnapped me and asked me if I wanted to join them. No! Do not come over what will they do if the see you- well yeah that's one of the reasons I joined I mean they had a mind reader! But she only felt things not see- I don't care about the council I'll just use the human excuse. Yes bye talk to you later."

Who is this Sophie, what secret,  what does Wanda who I assume is the mind reader, know about it, and what in the world is the 'human' excuse, as if she's not human! I need to inform the team, but right then Katie walked out with a backpack and said, "Lets go, hope you had a fun time eavesdropping." I was shocked but she didn't look too upset so I gathered the rest of the team and headed out.

Also Katie mostly talks to Sophie in English because they both grew up in the human world.

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