Chapter 18

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Katie's Pov

After I slayed everyone in monopoly, I mean after I made everyone go bankrupt, we all headed to bed. Everyday my nightmares get worse. Either about Arnold and Anna or the battle against to Neverseen. Yesterday Ms. Romanoff helped me but that won't happen again she's got other better things to do. As much as I want to trust her she can always leave me. I get into bed and as soon as my head hits the pillow in sucked into a swirling black darkness.


Katie is 8 years old and she was being beat because she didn't make is home in time to have dinner ready at 6:30 sharp. Arnold was currently heating a metal rod in the fire place as Anna was carving a word into Katie's wrist, nuisance. Then Arnold came over and boiled Katie's skin but Katie couldn't say a word knowing it would drag her into further trouble. Since then that word forever inscribed on Katie's wrist has reminded her forever on how useless and a nuisance she was to everyone she knew.

Natasha's POV

I was reading my book when all the sudden I heard rustling and sobs I immediately slammed my book down into my bedside table and leaped up, running to Katie's room. I burst in and there she was tears streaming down her face thrashing around in agony. There was blood bleeding through the back of her shirt but all I could do right then was sweep her up into my arms and envelop her. She was still struggling but I held on and sang an old Russian lullaby. Her breathing calmed and her body went slack she buried her head into my chest and a few minutes later she gasped and pulled away. I was sad that as soon as she woke up she felt the need to pull away, but I understand she barely knows me.

She croaked out, "Ms. Romanoff?" in Russian to my surprise.

"Yes," I replied, "It's me."

"Th-Thank you"

"For what"

"For helping me"

"No problem, are you ok?" She stayed silent. "Do you want to tell me what your nightmare was about?" Tears started streaming down her face. "Hey it's ok, you don't have to." What she did next shocked me, but I loved it. She gave me the biggest hug and started talking as she lay on my lap. 

"I was dreaming about someone they were beating me, I had done something wrong."

"I'm so sorry, when did this happen."

"I was 8 years old."

"Are you ok now?"

"Yes, you really helped me."

"I'm glad."

"What can I do to repay you Ms. Romanoff?"

"You can call me Nat." 

She just gigged, I smiled and as I was moving to leave she said, "Nat? Can you please stay." 

She looked embarrassed her face was flushed red but I simply smiled and laid down. She laid down on my stomach and sighed in content.

"I trust you Nat." With that she fell asleep. Those 4 words which might have meant nothing to someone else meant the multiverse to me. For I understand how hard it is to put your trust in someone after the life I've had. Now I may not know a lot of Katie's backstory or even any at all something tells me she's having it even harder. And I plan to be with her every step of the way.

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