Chapter 28

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Lena's POV

It's the third day, today Katie has to return to the Avengers. The 3 days were a blast and went by super fast. We barely got any sleep and Katie taught me as much as she could during the little time we had. Its a few hours till Katie has to leave and I have already lectured her about visiting.

"Hey Kate I wanna get out of the lab, do you wanna have a picnic before you leave?" I ask

"Yeah! What should we pack?" Katie respond enthusiastically.

"We have some sandwiches, a blanket, napkins, condiments for sandwiches, chocolate, cheese, anything else?"

"I think that sounds perfect. LETS GO!"

"Ok ok, I've got the basket can you carry the blanket?"

"yup let's go," she says dragging me to the elevator. I just laugh, she is so pure yet she has been through so much, too much for a child, too much for anyone.

Natasha's POV

I was talking a walk in the park to clear my head before Katie came back when I heard laughing.


"It's delicious, you should try it." To my surprise it was Katie with Lena Luthor laying on a picnic blanket. I sat down on a bench a little bit away but I could still hear them.

"No it's chocolate with hot sauce, sour cream, cheese, and you're dipping strawberry in it!" In her defense it did sound nasty. It was all chunky too.

"Your loss."

"Mm not really, so are you worried about going back and explaining?" At this I just couldn't stop listening.

"Yeah, I guess"

"What about it scares you?"

"I'm scared about how they're gonna treat me afterwards. I mean I don't think I could stand the looks of pity. And Natasha, I'm scared of how she's gonna react. If she starts treating me differently asking with everyone else I don't think I could take it. And I just can't join team Valiant. I could never help the Council after what they did." Katie's words just broke my heart, it must be something bad, but I kinda already suspected that. I mean the poor kid has scars littering her body.

"I know hun but don't worry, Natasha will still treat you just the same I have a feeling she has gone through something similar to you," I swear I will always be there for Katie. "And if not I will always be there for you. Now how do you plan on telling them?"

"I think I'll show one to those good news videos then answer questions."

"Smart, you should get going, and don't worry I promise everything will be fine. Come on I'll walk you to the tower." I took that as my cue to leave so I would get back to the tower faster.

Katie's POV

I had a blast with Lena, we barely got any sleep, were laughing the whole time and I kept busy teaching her Elvin alchemy. It was my last day so we decided to have a picnic before I went back to the tower. We hung out in the park and ate sandwiches. I have this thing for weird food combinations but they always taste good to me. We were looking at the clouds enjoying nature and chatting but soon it turned more serious as I had to get back to the tower in 45 minutes. I have a plan, I'm going to show them a news video and then I'm going to answer any questions. Then I'm going to hope that they treat me the same, and prepare for them looking at me like I'm dying.

"Come on I'll walk you to the tower," Lena says.

"Are you sure? There is a lot of reporters near the tower."

"That's ok, don't worry."


"Ha, let's go worrywort."

"I might just not visit you."


"Just kidding, don't worry."

"Well that's what you said 4 months ago before you left."

"I looked down guiltily, "fair."

"Hey we're here, I'll see you soon ok? Don't hesitate for anything, call or come find me."

"Thanks Lee."

I took a deep breath and stepped into the building. It was 11:57 3 minutes to get up to the common area. It's gonna be a long day.

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