Chapter 35

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3rd Person

It had been a few weeks and Katie has been enjoying it, for the most part. She spent her time hanging out with Natasha, bonding with the team which actually has been going well, ignoring all the councilors, hanging out with Natasha, team bonding, training, and pranks.

Yeah lots of pranks. The most recent one, hacking into Jarvis and changing everyone's name in the system so as the team walked around the compound the were called Lord of the Boom Boom, Merida, Can of corn, Bill Nye the Science guy. While Katie and Loki were enjoying life being called Lord and Lady of the pranks.

Let's just say it took Tony 12 days to rehack Jarvis and he was not happy. It would have taken him longer if we had slept,  wasn't on coffee, and managed to get Bruce to help him revert everything.

So yeah life's been nice, cuddles, movies nights, training, video games, and fun.

Katie's POV

Yeah so life has been actually really great. Well until this morning because I woke up with a crazy headache. I'm sure it will go away though. And besides the constant calls from the councilors bugging me to do things I don't want to do, I'm pretty happy.

I get out of bed and head to the kitchen. It's only Wanda, Clint, and Nat out there. Who knows where the others are? Not me.

Natasha's POV 

It's 7:30 and Katie walks into the kitchen looking like, well... a dumpster fire. She looks like the walking dead. Her lips are dry. She's pale as a ghost and by the way she's squinting her eyes I can tell she has a headache

"Hey, you feeling ok?" I ask Katie

"Yeah I'm fine."

Liar. "I know you have a headache"

"Ok but I'll get over it I'm fine Nat."

"No. You are going to eat breakfast, then I'm taking you back to your bed where you will either sleep or rest in bed. All day every day until you are better. This means no training, no running around pranking, and definitely no late nights in the lab!"

Katie glares at me and groans but she going to thank me later. 


I got Katie into bed and I'm staying with her because I know she won't stay put on her own. She keeps getting calls on her weird phone that she always declines. Idk who's calling her but she NEVER accepts them.

"Soooo um are you ever going to accept one of those calls?" I ask Katie


"Well who's calling"

"Sorry Nat it's one of those things. I can't tell you."

"But shouldn't you answer it's important. What if it's something urgent."

"I already know what they are going to stay."

"So you're not answering because you don't like what you think they are going to say."

Katie gave me a pointed look, "it's more complicated than that."

"Okkkk just saying. I warned you."

Katie rolled her eyes, I think she was about to say something but then her gadget thingy started to buzz. To my surprise she picked it up, I gave her a surprised look but she just rolled her eyes and shrugged.

Katie's POV

When I got a call from Oralie I decided to pick it up. Nat looked really surprised but hey she was the one who told me to do it.

"OMG Katie!" Oralie was really shocked I picked up the phone.

"Yes? You called me!"

"In Oralie's defense Katie no one thought you would pick up," Emery interjected.

"Well I did, and before I let you talk, I am NOT and will NEVER join team Valiant."

"We assumed, you are on another team. What we wanted to discuss is the request you sent to us a month ago."

"Yes, the request you immediately denied."

"Well we wanted to make sure you knew why, obviously you haven't told anyone because everything would be chaos and-"

"Hold on, no I haven't told anybody but it wouldn't be chaos because they wouldn't tell a soul."

"You don't know that"

"Yes I do"

"You don't know these people, and I understand you don't like me, but I am choosing to fully live in the human world-"

"WHAT" Alina screamed

"Shush I'm busy, as I was saying there are people I need to tell. I am on a team that protects the world, I could better protect it with my abilities." I tell her. She's really annoying

"Absolutely not, if she used her abilities the entire world will question," councillor clarette said.

"You may not know this but there are a variety of aliens and mutants that now reside on this planet. You may not view them as intelligent species but they exist."

"ENOUGH! I did not spend days trying to reach you to discuss a non negotiable topic, we called to remind you that in no way you will be telling any human anything and that you are now required to come to eternalia once a week for check ins." Emery told me

"ABSOLUTELY NOT! I refuse I left your world to be rid of your stupid fantasies. And like it or not whether you or I want it the avengers will find out because I AN LIVING WITH THEM!" I scream back Natasha is eyeing me concerned but she can't understand anything because I'm speaking in the enlightened language.

"I'm done this is not discussable you WILL be in Eternalia this time next week or there will be consequences, like grounding you in the housing we built for Alvar at Everglen!" Emery shoved the imparted back to Oralie.

"Honey are you ok you're looking really pale you could be coming down with El-"I cut Oralie off by hanging up I don't need people telling me I look like my headache feels.

"Hey are you ok?" Nat asks me

"Yeah it's just those people I told you about it's not a big deal."

"Fine but that goo-goo gaa-gaa-ing didn't sound very relaxing so drink this juice and watch this movie with me."

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 04, 2023 ⏰

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