✦ | The Promise

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Tanjiro x Fem!Reader Requested by HersiNermineTw/Warnings: Angst with a happy ending? 

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Tanjiro x Fem!Reader 
Requested by HersiNermine
Tw/Warnings: Angst with a happy ending? 

The girl who manage to be a prodigy was a tsuguko of the Love Pillar, known as Kanroji Y/n. Kanroji Y/n was known to be rather closed and bashful, but she was a talented lovely girl who is always warmhearted to others. Kanroji Y/n was the younger sister of Kanroji Mitsuri. Y/n was known for her ability to fight with love breathing with a whip, just like her older sister. 

Kamado Tanjiro was known to be the user of the dance of the fire god and a water breathing user. He was known for a lot of things, many see him as a great boy with a great future ahead of him, but Y/n saw him as someone who's much more deeper and meaningful than anyone else other than her older sister. Though the both of them were just comrades at first, a visible chemistry bubbled up between the two of them. 

In the end, Kamado Tanjiro had successfully confess his yearning love and endearment towards the girl. Y/n accepted, and now, they are known to be the most lovely couple in the Demon Slayer Corps. 

However. Not all couples have a happy ending, don't they? 

"Onee-chan, I will be leaving now, Tanjiro wants to meet me," Y/n said softly. Mitsuri looked at her and smiled brightly at the girl. "Of course, have fun you two," she said as she wiped the counter. "Thank you, Onee-chan," Y/n nodded politely before she left the Love Estate and wandered towards where Tanjiro wanted to meet, a nearby udon stand.  

A certain burgundy haired boy was seen, sitting down on a bench that was near to an Udon stand. Y/n smiled slyly before she suddenly blurred out, and reappeared behind Tanjiro and gripping on to his shoulders tightly. "Boo!" Y/n exclaimed as Tanjiro screamed. Y/n chuckled as Tanjiro silently laughed, his voice was abnormally nervous. Y/n raised a brow at the boy. "What's wrong Tanjiro?" Y/n smiled brightly at him, before she took a seat next to him. 

"A-Ah, Y/n, thank you for coming on this lovely night," Tanjiro smiled softly at the girl, his hands were shaking miserably and Y/n failed to notice the shaking hands. "What's wrong?" Y/n asked again, her voice was moulded with curiosity. Tanjiro sighed. "I have something to tell you, perhaps after we finish eating udon," Tanjiro said silently. Y/n's bright expression fall quickly into a rather worried and concerned one. 

"Okay, sure!" Y/n exclaimed. They both ordered a bowl of hot udon and started eating silently. Y/n felt a rather tension and tight atmosphere around them, but Y/n just shoved her feelings down in her heart as she ate the udon happily. After eating, Y/n then raised a brow at Tanjiro. "So, can you tell me now?" Y/n asked. Tanjiro placed down the bowl on the stand and gave the udon man the money before sitting next to Y/n. 

"Could you please not be mad after what I say?" Tanjiro asked softly. "I'm not sure what you're going to say," Y/n said. "So I don't know!" Y/n exclaimed. Tanjiro grabbed both of her hands in his and his face held a stern countenance. "Promise me?" Tanjiro asked with a rather soft yet pleading tone. Y/n grew even more curious. "Promise!" Y/n exclaimed brightly. 

"We should break up."

"I'm so sorry, you're a great person, Y/n, but I think that this relationship is delaying me from achieving what I've set out to achieve," Tanjiro explained sadly. His warm heart clenched in contriteness and crestfallen. He wanted to stay by her side, but it had been delaying him from reaching the goal to save his precious little sister, Kamado Nezuko. Y/n's eyes widened. 

Tears started assemblage in her deep-set e/c colored eyes. A breeze passed by, as it carried her strong tears away. Y/n then broke into a warm smile, and held his hands in hers. "I hope you reach your goal in saving your sister," Y/n smiled. "I'll be waiting for you to come back to me," she added, yet her fervent smile was there. 

"Maybe, you didn't love me at all, so in my next life, I wish that you would love me and be with me for the rest of our lives," Y/n articulated, as her smile fall into a small frown. "Y/n-" Tanjiro said softly. "No, no, it's alright, I'm alright, I'm just a bit blue right now, but I'll be fine!" Y/n exclaimed brightly as she let go of Tanjiro's hands and wiped her falling tears. "I'm fine! I'm alright," Y/n smiled. Tanjiro felt regret sinking in as he pat her shoulders. Y/n quickly demounted his hand off of her shoulder and got up. 

"I actually-- I actually have to go, I'm so sorry," she said as she started to run. "Y/n!" Tanjiro called out. "Wait!" he continued as he stood up and started running towards Y/n. "Don't follow me Tanjiro-san!" she wailed, but she quickly tripped on a small rock and fell on the ground, face landing on to the hard ground as she weakly pushed herself up. Tanjiro quickly slowed his pace down and held her hand and help her to stand up. 

Y/n held her heart as Tanjiro held her arm. Tears couldn't cease their freedom from Y/n's eyes. She let out small hiccups and sobs. Tanjiro's eyes started watering itself, before he shut his eyes and looked away, before he breathed in a sharp breath before he grabbed both Y/n's arms roughly, making Y/n squeak and Tanjiro made her face him, holding on to her arms tightly. 

"I promise that once I save Nezuko, I will be your husband!" Tanjiro yelled. Y/n's eyes widened, but the tears wouldn't stop pouring down. "You promise?" Y/n sniffed, as Tanjiro cleared her tears with his thumbs gently, holding her face in his hands. "I promise."

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