✦ | Victory For Love

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School AU! (Tanjiro x Fem! Reader)Requested by Evening_16

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School AU! (Tanjiro x Fem! Reader)
Requested by Evening_16

Tsuyuri Y/n was sitting next to Kamado Nezuko as she poked the egg in her lunchbox with her fork. She then put the fork in the lunchbox and looked at Nezuko. Nezuko raised her brow. "Anything wrong, Y/n?" Nezuko asked questioningly. "Yes, no," Y/n answered. "What's wrong?" Nezuko asked. "I don't want to tell you," Y/n blushed in embrassment. "Oh, all right, it's okay.. but I hope you feel better about it," she smiled. Y/n sighed, thinking whether she should tell Nezuko about her feelings about Tanjiro or not, before she could even decide, her mouth spoke. 

"I'm in love with someone," that made Nezuko spit out the ramen's broth out of her mouth. "Who?" Nezuko asked as she looked up at Y/n with her expressive pink eyes burning in curiosity. 

"Your brother," Y/n sighed. 

Nezuko then leaned back, still staring at Y/n with excited eyes. "You should definitely confess to him!" Nezuko exclaimed. "No, that is definitely not on my agenda whatsoever," Y/n said with wide eyes. 

"Oh, come on, who knows if he likes you back?" Nezuko narrowed her eyes and smirked playfully. "You should definitely do what you said to Agatsuma," Y/n winked and smirked. Nezuko tensed and her face blushed bright red as she hit Y/n's arm playfully. "You--" Nezuko said but quickly stopped. "Me?" Y/n asked with raised brows. Nezuko sighed before she let out a "hmph" before she looked towards the side, avoiding eye contact. "Don't be so angry at me Nezuko, I was just stating what's the truth," Y/n shrugged, before she picked up her fork and stabbed the egg before eating it, also scooping some rice and place the spoon in her mouth, chewing the food. 

Nezuko sighed. "You're right," Nezuko said rather flusteredly before she started to eat her bowl of ramen. The bell rang as it signalled that lunch is over, Nezuko left the black bowl and chopsticks on the table of the ramen vendor. As Y/n packed her lunchbox. "Thank you for the meal, Asasahi-sama," Nezuko bowed before she left to wash her hands and mouth, at the sink, Y/n was already there, drying her hands and mouth with a paper towel. Nezuko washed her hands, drying it with a paper towel. 

Kamado Nezuko. She have softly black wavy hair that ended with a bright color of orange. She owns bright deep-set pink eyes that is sparkling with adoration. A pink ribbon was tied on the strands of her locks to prevent her hair from falling towards her face. She had a bubbly personality, a very kind and soft girl indeed. Her best friend is known to be Tsuyuri Y/n. The sister of Tsuyuri Kanao, although she's a rather quiet girl, she is very talkative once she connects and bonds with someone. Especially Tanjiro, Zenitsu, Genya, Inosuke, Kanao, and Nezuko. 

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