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Tanjiro x Blind!Fem!ReaderRequested by HersiNermineTw : gore, blood, angst 

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Tanjiro x Blind!Fem!Reader
Requested by HersiNermine
Tw : gore, blood, angst 

"You are assigned to go to the Tsyumi Mansion," the crow cawed as it perched calmly on Y/n's shoulders. L/n Y/n was known to be a water breather, alongside with her boyfriend, Kamado Tanjiro, the both of them were trained under the watch of Sakonji Urokodaki. 

Y/n wasn't that powerful as Tanjiro, but she wasn't as weak as a beginner either. The murks travelled amongst the clear skies as the sun was hidden from view. Y/n smiled at her pet crow. "Alright then, could you lead the way?" she asked the pet crow silently. The crow cawed before he flew to the air and soared high in the skies. Y/n's gaze shifted to the flying bird as she made her way quickly, following the flying bird. 

Hours and hours had passed, Y/n was tired as she panted and gripped on to her knees. Her white haori was draping over her arms and shoulders, Y/n looked up to the sky to notice that the bird had perched on a nearby tree. "Over there! Over there!" it nodded its head towards a house that's near. Y/n smiled up at the bird. "Thank you for the lead," she nodded gracefully before looking up towards the Mansion. 

Y/n quickly ran towards the mansion, her sandals clicked loudly against the ground as her haori was flying behind her. 'Right! A mission, time to do this,' she thought with a smile. She then kicked open the door and to see that the house was a mess. There were blood, painted messily on the walls as claw marks were seen, traumatizingly marked against the wooden walls. 

Y/n made her way slowly towards one of the rooms and blinked. Her gaze scan for anything, but there was nothing but glistening blood. Y/n then made her way towards another room, there she found a demon who was on all fours on the ground, it seemed that he couldn't walk with two feet. Y/n squealed in surprised as the demon turned to the girl, he then sniffed in the air. "A demon slayer? Rather soft and tender meat, the scent of blood, good blood? bad blood?" the demon mumbled to himself, his tongue was twice longer than a normal tongue. "Doesn't matter, since I'm not the type to complain," he smirked as he aimed his huge and long tongue towards Y/n. 

'Total Concentration, Water breathing, Third form, Flowing dance,' Y/n thought as she took a breathe in before she started leaping on her own, cutting everything on her way, including the demon's head. Y/n landed on the ground before looking at the demon who looked at her with wide eyes, the then turned into a smirk. "Good luck on defeating the others," he said playfully. "I bet that you won't make it out alive," he said, making Y/n feel a bit off. 

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