✦ | His Personal Stalker

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mitsuri x male!readertw : obsessive behaviour, stalking lowercase intended!

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mitsuri x male!reader
tw : obsessive behaviour, stalking 
lowercase intended!

NO ONE KNEW THAT THE LOVE PILLAR COULD BE THIS OBSESSIVE, she always seemed to be such a beautiful angel who is a complete sweetheart to her boyfriend, l/n y/n, but it is quite the opposite, really, though she treated him amazingly amazing, she was beyond obsessive when it comes to his whereabouts. wherever he goes, she's always there, no matter where he is, she's always there with him. 

her obsession with him is so toxic, that it became addicting. her jealousy is something outrageous, and he was under her control at all times. "hello shinobu-san," y/n greeted politely. "ah! y/n-san!" she clasped her hands together with a small smile. "it's a pleasure seeing you here," she bowed and y/n ruffled her hair. "don't need to be so formal," he reassured. shinobu giggled as a pair of green eyes stared dangerously from behind a tree. 

'that should be me. not her,' mitsuri's eyes twitched angrily as y/n and shinobu chatted away happily. she then sighed calmly, trying to put on a fake excited face as she skipped from the trees and walked towards y/n's happily. "y/n-kun!" she cooed happily as y/n turned to her and she hugged him in front of shinobu before glaring daggers at the black haired girl. shinobu's face turned stern as she glared at mitsuri back. 

"ah! mitsuri-chan!" y/n stumbled as he regained his balance. "let's go on a date, let's go on a date," she tugged on his arm forcefully. "ah, but didn't we just go on one an hour ago? i also wanted to spend time with shinobu-san over here, she's teaching me more about medication," y/n exclaimed happily as mitsuri's eyes twitched. "then let's go and train!" she exclaimed as y/n grimaced. "no thank you, mitsuri-chan," he smiled softly. 

her grip on to his arm tightened. "let's go, let's go!" she exclaimed and whined. shinobu cleared her throat seriously. she felt rather uncomfortable after receiving such a terrifying glare. something was clearly off about mitsuri and y/n's relationship, it seems that one is taking the whole thing completely, forcing their wants on the other, and that'd be mitsuri. 

"mitsuri..." y/n trailed off silently. "let's go to my mission together, y/n!" she exclaimed brightly as she giggled happily. y/n smiled softly down at her smaller figure, though he didn't want to leave to a mission, he forced himself to for the sake of mitsuri. "alright..." his voice was filled with displeasure, but mitsuri didn't notice it and she giggled happily before dragging y/n's other arm was gripped by a smaller hand. 

mitsuri stopped in her tracks to see shinobu gripping on to his other arm. y/n looked down at shinobu. "shinobu-san?" y/n asked with furrowed brows. "come on, y/n, let's go," shinobu dragged him away as mitsuri pulled him back. "she's with me, shinobu," her aura shifted drastically. 

"no no, he promised me today," shinobu dragged him but mitsuri stopped him by pulling on to his arm. "i won't let you have him you jerk! now give him back to me!" mitsuri exclaimed angrily. y/n pushed shinobu gently and pulled his arm so that he could be free from her tight grasp. 

shinobu looked up at him with wide eyes. "i know you're not comfortable with her," she whispered in such a hushed voice that mitsuri furrowed her brows, at them. y/n guiltily looked away and nodded at her statement, but mitsuri pushed shinobu aggressively. "run along now! we're going to go on a mission!" she exclaimed with a small smile of victory before she dragged y/n away. 

shinobu's eyes softened at y/n who's looked so dejected and uncomfortable in the presence of mitsuri. though kanroji mitsuri was such a kind sweetheart, the fact that he could feel her eyes staring at him 24/7 is what makes him feel so uncomfortable with her. 

after doing the mission in a quick second, mitsuri cheerfully brought him back home as she smiled happily at him. "i'll go check on shinobu-san real quick," y/n smiled before he walked away. "what? why?" mitsuri asked questioningly. "we're best friends, i thought maybe, we'd spend some time!" y/n exclaimed as mitsuri's palms bawled up into fists angrily. "ah! yes yes, go have fun dear!" she faked her smile as y/n nodded before going away and walking towards where shinobu usually is, the both of them had their own special hangout place, and that'd be near the river. 

"y/n," shinobu greeted. "i figured you'd be here," she said with a small frown. y/n nodded sadly. "yeah, i know she's watching right now," he said in a hushed voice. indeed he's right, a girl was staring at them with jealous lime colored hues as she listened carefully. 

"you know, it's not too late to end this," shinobu said back in a hushed voice. "i'm worried for you," she whispered. "she's too... obsessed."

"it's as if... she's your personal stalker," shinobu whispered silently, as y/n sighed. "i still love her though..." y/n trailed off silently, mitsuri's eyes twitched in annoyance as they continued sharing a hushed conversation.

however, she clearly caught the, 'personal stalker' line, and she smiled to herself. "i'm your personal stalker, l/n y/n," she giggled in a hushed voice maniacally. "you can't ever escape me. not now, not ever!" she whispered as she smiled menacingly. 

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