✦ | Promise - Part 1

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obanai x fem!blind!reader tw : gore and blood, manga spoilers!

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obanai x fem!blind!reader 
tw : gore and blood, manga spoilers!

requested by : HersiNermine

"HELLO," a small girl greeted the long haired ravenette. the ravenette looked at her nervously, not wanting her to fawn over him. "i'm l/n y/n!" y/n exclaimed brightly as she plopped down across the black haired boy. y/n had always seen him whenever she's passing by his "cage". 

so one day, she asked her mother if she could visit the boy in the cage, and, she allowed her to, since her mother figured that she'd need some friends in life, which.. unfortunately, y/n doesn't have any. her mother did this all in secret. "what about your name?" y/n asked curiously as she smiled kindly at the ravenette. "i-iguro obanai.." he muttered. "why are you stuttering? are you scared of me?" the girl asked with a blink. 

"what a nice name you have, by the way," y/n added as obanai looked at her shyly. "i-i'm not scared of you," obanai smiled silently. "that's good. do you wanna be friends?" little y/n asked as she stretched her hand towards obanai. obanai looked down at her hand as he hesitantly contemplated the decisions in his heart. 

y/n sweatdropped as she slowly retracted her hand before the boy took it and held it tightly. "y-yeah, let's be friends," he smiled silently as y/n beamed excitedly. "so, what color do you like the most?" y/n asked before tapping her chin thoughtfully. "mines is f/c!" y/n smiled brightly. "mines is.. i'm not really sure, i never thought about it," obanai said silently. "i see," y/n chirped. 

"why do you have long hair?" y/n asked silently. "don't boys have short hair?" y/n asked, tilting her head. "it's probably because nobody cuts my hair," obanai remarked. "oh, i see," y/n smiled. "do you like it that way or do you like it short?" y/n asked. "w-well, i don't know how it feels like to have short hair.. but i prefer long," he smiled shyly. 

"okay then, i see, what's your favorite animal?" y/n asked brightly. "i love snakes," obanai beamed. the both of them conversed in a very engaging and an adorable cute conversation as obanai felt something foreign awakening in the seabed of his heart. 

as days passed by quickly that shifted into months, y/n's mother kept on sneaking the small child into the cage, she was glad to know that y/n had a friend, even though that friend was a special child in the eyes of the disgusting snake demon. her mother knew perfectly that it was a demon, yet she couldn't do anything, she couldn't do anything because she doesn't know how to kill a demon, but she does know that demons eat human beings. y/n's mother kept all this information to herself and swore to herself not to tell anyone, especially y/n. perhaps she'll tell y/n when y/n's already older. 

𝐀𝐋𝐎𝐍𝐄 𝐅𝐎𝐑𝐄𝐕𝐄𝐑 ━ 𝑑𝑒𝑚𝑜𝑛 𝑠𝑙𝑎𝑦𝑒𝑟 𝑜𝑛𝑒𝑠ℎ𝑜𝑡𝑠 [✓]Where stories live. Discover now