✦ | Night Cuddles

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M! Reader x Kanao 

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M! Reader x Kanao 

It was a rather stressful day for Y/n. He had to attend and complete two missions, his girlfriend, Tsuyuri Kanao, offered him help but he refused. He didn't want Kanao to be bothered or get injured from the mission. "Let me help," Kanao said quietly. "I got nothing to do," "Kanao. You got no missions lately, and I want you to take a break, darling," Y/n said in a low voice. Kanao's frown turned into a small smile. 

"But, please, let me help, I'm... I got nothing to do here anyway," Kanao asked with a small sparkle in her eyes, her eyes looked as if she was begging Y/n to say yes. Y/n sighed. "Fine," he mumbled. Kanao did a small cute cheer before she grinned. "I'll take the mission that's in the forest, you can take the one in the mountain," Y/n said. "Oh? We're not going to go together..?" Kanao asked, disappointment was heard from her soft voice. 

"That'll take a lot of time... but we could cuddle at night?" Y/n suggested. Kanao's smile grew wider as her heart was pumping out of excitement. She nodded before she dashed off to the distance. Y/n blinked at the now empty space, he then shrugged and dashed off the distance. 

He was a water breather too, the tsuguko of the water pillar, Tomioka Giyu. After three hours, he had finally reached the dark woods. There, he saw a demon with purple skin and blonde hair. The demon sensed the incoming Y/n as he released ropes but Y/n dodged it with his speed. He dodged and dodged the ropes, some are even burning. 

Y/n then jumped high, bursting through the tall trees and falling down as he flipped forward. "Fifth form, blessed rain after the drought!" Y/n exclaimed as y/n's shining blue sword produced a flowing strike, decapitating the demon who died in a peaceful way. Y/n sheathed his sword before smiling at the disappearing demon, before he dashed off towards the distance. "Am I assigned to any more missions?" Y/n asked his crow while speeding. "No, no you don't, the Master had decided to give you a small break," his crow cawed as it flew in the air, following its owner. "Great," Y/n said under his breath. 

It was about one in the morning when Y/n had finally reached Giyu's estate. The lights were on and he opened the wooden door that lead him into the estate. Luckily, Giyu is away, and he noticed that the door was unlocked. Making his way forward, he noticed Kanao's figure sitting on the plush patiently. 

"Kanao-san." y/n smiled. Kanao looked up and got up before she rushed over to Y/n and hugged him tightly. "You scare me," Kanao said worriedly. Y/n relaxed before he patted her head. "Don't worry, I won't die on you," Y/n grinned at Kanao. Kanao just buried her face even more in Y/n's chest. "Why don't we cuddle?" Y/n suggest. Kanao nodded before she grabbed Y/n's hand and led him to his bedroom. Kanao was already in white kimono while y/n grabbed his clothings and changed into them after taking a shower in the bathroom. After that, he dried his hair with his towel before he made his way to the bed and slipped himself under the thick blankets. 

He wrapped his arms around Kanao's waist and buried his face on her let-down hair. Kanao was blushing madly but she enjoyed it. Y/n left head kisses before he trailed off to her neck and left some soft kisses. Kanao squeaked. Y/n just chuckled in a hoarse voice, his eyes slowly shut as his grip on Kanao tightened and his face was comfortably on Kanao's shoulder. 

"I love you, Kanao," Y/n reminded. "I love you too," Kanao smiled to herself before she drifted off to sleep. 

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𝐀𝐋𝐎𝐍𝐄 𝐅𝐎𝐑𝐄𝐕𝐄𝐑 ━ 𝑑𝑒𝑚𝑜𝑛 𝑠𝑙𝑎𝑦𝑒𝑟 𝑜𝑛𝑒𝑠ℎ𝑜𝑡𝑠 [✓]Where stories live. Discover now