✦ | Morning Affection

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Y/n's eyes slowly opened

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Y/n's eyes slowly opened. She felt tired after working all night. She had been very emotionally drained lately and hadn't had the time to give any attention to her current husband, Agatsuma Zenitsu. 

It was nine in the morning and yet Zenitsu was still fast asleep, cuddling and nuzzling his head on Y/n's shoulders as his arms were wrapped around her waist protectively. Y/n then grabbed his arm before she removed Zenitsu's arms away from her waist since she was going to be cooking breakfast for the both of them. She got up with a sigh before she made her way slowly towards the bathroom, scratching her head confusingly. 

She then entered the room before she placed both of her hands next to the sink and looked deeply into the mirror, still trying to gain consciousness. Then she grabbed her white toothbrush before placing the toothpaste on the toothbrush and started scrubbing her teeth cleanly. 

After brushing her teeth, she made her way to the kitchen as she fixed her h/c hair into a ponytail. She then started to prepare the ingredients, and after she was done preparing she started mixing the ingredients in a small bowl before shaking the egg with the fork, blending it very well. Adding a bit of salt, and black pepper, but then she felt something warm behind her back and she felt two arms making their way to hug her waist tightly. A deep groan came out of the man's mouth as he muzzled his face into Y/n's shoulder. Y/n sighed. 

"Dear, are you still sleepy?" Y/n asked softly. Zenitsu nodded. "I miss you, princess," Zenitsu yawned. "Don't call me that, call me a queen," Y/n said in a joking tone. "Okay," Zenitsu said. "Wait, I was just joking," Y/n chuckled. Then, Zenitsu adjusted his point of view, placing his chin on Y/n's shoulder. "Are you making egg and bacon, or egg and cheese sandwiches?" Zenitsu asked as his stomach growled. "Well, I'm making egg, cheese, bacon sandwiches," Y/n said. Zenitsu blinked. "Is that even a possible combo?" Zenitsu asked. 

"Not sure, I guess we'll never know unless we try," Y/n smiled. Zenitsu hummed in agreement. There was a moment of peaceful silence. "Could you get off me?" Y/n asked. "Why?" Zenitsu asked back. "I need more space to move, you're restricting my movements," Y/n said. "No," Zenitsu answered. Y/n deadpanned. "Just move dear, I promise, I'll cuddle with you all day," Y/n said. "But I have work to do later, why not now?" Zenitsu whined. "Because I don't want to burn the eggs!" Y/n exclaimed. "Fine, fine!" Zenitsu said as he raised both of his arms and moved away before standing next to Y/n and looking at her cook. After a few more minutes, Y/n was finished cooking. 

"Now, can I have my cuddles?" Zenitsu asked. "Not yet, maybe after we eat."

Zenitsu was about to complain before his stomach growled yet again. "Fine," Zenitsu said breathlessly before he devoured his food and washed his hands. Y/n blinked. "Now?" Zenitsu asked. "After, I eat," Y/n said firmly before she ate her food delicately and then washed her hands and mouth before Zenitsu creep his arms around her waist yet again, digging his face inside the back of Y/n's head. "I love you," Zenitsu whispered. "I love you too," Y/n smiled. 

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