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Tanjiro x Fem!ReaderRequested by HersiNermineTw: Blood, gore, angst 

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Tanjiro x Fem!Reader
Requested by HersiNermine
Tw: Blood, gore, angst 

 Tanjiro and Y/n were known to be the most loving couple of all history, but every couple have their own problems right? Right. This night, Y/n and Tanjiro were squabbling because of various of reasons. One of them was Y/n's safety. Tanjiro's overprotectiveness had gone too far this time, restricting her to go to a mission. "You'll get hurt, Y/n," Tanjiro said softly. "Stop, you're always telling me what to do, Y/n do this! Y/n do that!" Y/n exclaimed harshly on the boy. She felt tired and stressed out as her lack of sleep is starting to kick in. "Why can't you ever listen to me?" Tanjiro exclaimed. "You're always never listening to me!" he yelled. "All you do is shout at me without even listening to me!" he added as Y/n was taken aback. 

Tanjiro grabbed both of her hands in his forcefully, yet gently. "Listen to me dear, in a tired state like this, you're going to get hurt!" he exclaimed. Y/n glared at him rather fiercely. "You're always like this!" Y/n shouted. "Because I care for you!" his grip tightened. "Well, why should you care if the only thing you do is to tell me to shove off from every mission?" Y/n yelled, her body shook in frustration as veins popped into view. She felt anger, despair, exhaustion, and sadness consuming her whole at once. 

"Because I care for you! You're not in a fit state darling, you need rest!" Tanjiro yelled. "Why are you so stubborn, could you please just be self-willed for once?" Tanjiro added. "Do you know how dangerous it could be for you? Y/n, you don't know anything!" Tanjiro exclaimed as tears are forming in his eyes. "Stop fighting and back down just for this one night!" Tanjiro pleaded with a blurred vision. 

"Why should I listen to someone I hate?" Y/n yelled. Her breaking point bursted as her eyes twitched, she yanked her hands from Tanjiro. "I hate you Kamado Tanjiro! I hate you!" Y/n yelled and she stormed out. Tanjiro looked in horror at Y/n's back. "Y/n, wait!" Tanjiro yelled. "Shut up!" Y/n screamed. "I don't want to see or hear or talk to you ever again," she said. "Don't ever try to follow after me, I hate you so much Tanjiro!" as she left the house and shut the door with all her might. 

"Lead the way, you witless crow!" Y/n shouted at her crow. "Follow me! Follow me!" it cawed as it soared up in the sky and Y/n sighed, trying to control her breathing, the door opened wide. "Y/n!" Tanjiro called out as he ran towards Y/n. "Y/n, please wait!" he gasped. Y/n pretended like she didn't listened and she left, dashing off into the distance, following her pet crow. "Y/n! Please!" Tanjiro screamed. "Come back!" he yelled. "I'm sorry!" he yelled again as he stared into the distance with his shining burgundy orbs, tears dropping dramatically on to the ground. 

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