✦ | Blooming Love

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male!reader x fem!tanjiro requested by Anime_crazyfan1023modern!au!

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male!reader x fem!tanjiro 
requested by Anime_crazyfan1023

L/N Y/N RUNS A very famous flower shop, he was known to be the best florist in town and everybody loves his flowers. he was hired to various of modeling photoshoots to arrange the flower sceneries for the photos, and he was practically making six figures every day. 

y/n hummed as he gently watered the pots that were filled with stunning pink alstroemeria. his disheveled hair was more disheveled today as he smiled happily. he then moved to the honeysuckles as he continued to water them gently, the sun rays shone brightly as it nourished the plants greatly. 

suddenly, there was a ring of a bell as y/n turned to face a man with a fancy suit. "hello there, l/n-sama," the man greeted formally. "ah, welcome, what can i help you with today sir?" he asked with a beam. "well, if you don't know me yet, i'm kutamachi ruiichi," the man introduced himself. "the ceo of the modelling agency," he added with a hint of pride. 

"ah! it's a pleasure to meet you, mr. kutamachi," y/n nodded briefly as ruiichi nodded. "i would like you to arrange some flowers in our photo shoot tomorrow, i know it's such a tight schedule and such a sudden call, but will you be able to do that?" ruiichi asked. y/n beamed greatly. "that sounds amazing, i'm sure i can!" he exclaimed as ruiichi smiled. "great, bring your most stunning pink flowers to the photo shoot," ruiichi said as y/n nodded. "i'll be going now, oh, and this is my business card," ruiichi said as he handed the card. 

"i'll be looking forward to see what you can do," ruiichi said before he left the shop and y/n inspected the business card silently. y/n sighed silently in slight merriment. 

y/n looked around as he scanned the room before deciding that he'll be bringing alliums, alstroemeria, beebalms, and bergenia. "hm, this'll be interesting," was all he said. 

"ah, l/n-san!" ruiichi called happily at the sight of y/n carrying boxes. "kutamachi-sama!" y/n exclaimed as she smiled politely. "just right here please, come follow," ruiichi beckoned y/n to come and follow him. the both of them made their ways towards a model shooting. 

there in front of the lights and camera was a female, y/n recognize her. she was kamado tanjiro, a very famous model, indeed. y/n couldn't help but have a small crush on her as he felt his cheeks brightened. "you must be l/n-san!" tanjiro noticed y/n. 

"ah, hello," y/n waved at her silently. "yes i am, you must be kamado tanjiro, it's such a pleasure to meet you!" y/n exclaimed brightly. tanjiro felt her cheeks lightened as she smiled silently. "tanjiro, you should get off the shoot first so that l/n can fix the decorations," ruiichi said as tanjiro simply nodded and she went off the stage. 

y/n skilfully started placing the flowers in a careful and gentle manner as he placed it all around the shoot. he couldn't help but become a perfectionist in arranging the flowers due to how nervous he feels around the model. 'she's so pretty,' was all he could think of the red-haired model. 

y/n hummed silently as he finished the last flowers on the set as he stepped back after an hour or so and he placed his hands on his hips proudly. "would you look at that?" ruiichi clapped behind y/n. "what a marvellous looking shoot, tanjiro! come look at this!" ruiichi exclaimed happily as tanjiro peeked out from the curtains as she gasped in amazement. 

y/n noticed the sudden change of outfit, she surprisingly wore a pink dress as it engulfed her figure perfectly. he couldn't help but look away in amusement. his heart is blooming with warmth constantly around tanjiro as he smiled silently. "i'm glad you liked it," he simply sent an eye closed smile at them both, making the female squeak shyly. her cheeks slowly reddened once more. 

ruiichi noticed this and had a small smirk. "l/n! you're now hired to decorate every photo shoot we have," ruiichi said as y/n snapped his eyes open in delight. "that sounds lovely," he smiled brightly, making tanjiro blush even brighter. she sighed and collected herself before smiling softly at y/n. 

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