✦ | Cloudy Picnics

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Requested by : @riaqxl

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Requested by : @riaqxl

Tokito Muichiro x Fem!Reader. 

The sun rose high as the clouds traveled together, the sky was painted blue as Y/n was sitting on the engawa alone in the Butterfly estate while admiring her polished sword. She wasn't a pillar, nor was she a demon hunter, she was just a servant in the Butterfly Estate who was mostly tasked with preparing the food for the injured slayers. L/n Y/n was now just polishing Kanao's sword and she wiped it with a cloth. 

Recently, there were a pretty big amount of demon slayers who had been injured and are healing in the Butterfly Estate. One of them is the mist pillar, Tokito Muichiro. Y/n felt a bit warm and fuzzy around Muichiro, considering that he was adorable and strong. Y/n sheathed the blade after a while and jumped off the engawa to make her way towards Kanao's room. When she was passing by the halls, she saw an open door that usually lead her to the patients. She peaked her head in to see that only a few were there, the rest had been recently discharged after being fully healed. 

Y/n's eyes were trailing around to search for a particular mist pillar, but he was nowhere to be seen. Y/n's eyes widened in alarm and panic as she made her way towards her master's room. She knocked on it. "Lady Tsuyuri!" Y/n exclaimed in a hurry. The door opened to reveal the smiling tsuguko. "Here is your polished sword," Y/n presentate, as she bowed and gave the sword before she quickly stood up, Kanao grabbing the sword and raising a brow, as Y/n ran away quickly. 

"Where is he?" Y/n asked in a panic. The thing that made her very worried is the fact that he has a big gash on his stomach that makes it hard to walk. Y/n then stopped as she huffed loudly, gasping for air as she held her knees tightly. "M-Muichiro-san," Y/n breathed out. "Why-- are--you here?" 

"How pathetic," Muichiro said blankly, his mind wasn't in focus. "You didn't even run far, yet you breathe like a horse," Muichiro said in honesty. Y/n bowed. "Apologies," she panted. "I'm never good at being an athlete," she continued. Muichiro looked at the sky, he was sitting down on a red cloth and had food next to him. "What were we supposed to do again?" Muichiro blinked. Y/n sweatdropped. 

"You calling me a horse?" Y/n asked. "Oh, I did? I'm sorry," Muichiro frowned innocently at Y/n making Y/n feel her heart skipping a beat. "It's all right," Y/n nodded with a sigh. "You should go back to the Butterfly Estate, you're still healing," Y/n said worriedly as she grabbed his arm and tried to pull him up, but then she was pulled down and was in between the man's legs. Y/n's eyes widened her head was on Muichiro's shoulder. 

Her face turned bright red and she felt warm in her heart. "Don't you need to take a break from your work?" Muichiro asked, still looking at the sky. Y/n didn't answer, as her face warmed up even more. "Why is your face so warm?" Muichiro asked. Y/n stayed quiet yet again, she felt too embarrassed and shocked. Muichiro then finally looked at Y/n then pat her back. Y/n looked at Muichiro. "Look at the clouds, it looks like..."

"The clouds," Muichiro said after trailing off. 

Y/n looked at the clouds as she held Muichiro's shoulders. Muichiro then reached out for a dorayaki that was in the basket, then he gave it to Y/n, then he took one more and ate it himself. Y/n grabbed the dorayaki and bite on it. Muichiro then grabbed Y/n's head gently and lead her head towards his chest. "This feels nice," Muichiro mumbled. Y/n's face was so red that it looks even redder than a tomato. Her heart was as messy as the trading game. She was overheating. 

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