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Yandere! Kanao x M! Reader Tw : Gore and Blood 

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Yandere! Kanao x M! Reader 
Tw : Gore and Blood 

He was the reason why she was like this. He was her drug that made her feel overly engrossed and overprotective over him. He was her love, and she was his love. His only love, and that should stay that way. 

"Y/n-san!" Kanao called as she ran towards him. "Kanao-chan, pleasant to see you," he smiled softly at the girl. Kanao blushed bright red and she felt a smile grew on her face. "What are you planning to do today?" Y/n asked silently. "I'm planning to train, would you like to come and join me?" she asked curiously. "No can do, I'm going on a date with my girlfriend," he smiled at Kanao. 

Kanao's expression shifted into a bewilderment one. She heard her heart cracked and it slowly shattered into pieces. She forced a smile and chuckle darkly. "Who is this lovely girl?" she clasped her hands together and looked fakely at Y/n. Y/n raised a hand to scratch the back of his neck awkwardly. "Her name is Hanakuki Haku," he smiled with a flushed face. "She is just such an adorable person," he said shyly. 

Kanao giggled softly. "You're so adorable when you're admiring someone!" she exclaimed. "Oh, I'll have to go Kanao-chan, I'll have to go help Tanjiro with his rehabilitation training!" Y/n exclaimed before she rushed away into the distance. Kanao's hands curled up into fists as she grit her teeth together. She then heard a soft and lustrous voice greeting her as she looked up, her glare softening into a stare. "Hello Kanao-sama!" a girl exclaimed. 

"Who...are you?" Kanao asked. "I'm Hanakuki Haku, pleasure to meet you!" she exclaimed as she lend out a hand for Kanao to shook. Kanao grabbed it hesitantly and shook it. Something rose in her heart. Jealousy and malice. It ran down through Kanao's veins as she looked at the girl with wide eyes and a gentle smile. Haku raised an eyebrow. "Let's train, I have the perfect place where we could train!" Kanao exclaimed brightly. 

Haku beamed. "Alright! Lead the way, Lady Kanao!" Haku exclaimed, Kanao gripped on to her hand tightly and lead her away from the Butterfly Estate and she lead her very far away, towards a dark gloomy forest, filled with the unknown. Haku shivered. "Are you sure that this is the ideal place?" Haku asked. Kanao stopped in her tracks and Haku stopped behind her. "Yes, indeed... an ideal place for you to die," Kanao said as her eyes glowed dangerously purple and she quickly unsheathed her blade, slicing Haku's head as blood came sprinkling around the scene. Kanao's figure was dark as the only thing that was visible about her are her glowing purple eyes. 

"Don't come near to my Y/n again," Kanao said as she kicked the decapitated body further into the woods, and Haku looked at Kanao with wide eyes, Kanao just sliced Haku's face repeatedly with callous, as blood came shooting out violently. 

Kanao smiled in success of malignancy. She laughed in triumph, she then quickly sealed her mouth shut and looked darkly into Haku's lifeless eyes. "He's mines." 

The sun was coming up and the sky was bright, Y/n had been searching for his girlfriend everywhere, and yet, he couldn't found her. Kanao was tying her scabbard on to her hip as she hopped off the engawa and noticed the aggravation aura from Y/n. Kanao then slowly approached him and grabbed his arm gently. "Y/n-san," Kanao called. "Are you alright?" she asked worriedly. 

Y/n looked at Kanao with tears in his eyes. "I can't find my girlfriend!" the boy exclaimed, Kanao gasped as she looked at him with wide eyes. "You didn't hear?" Kanao asked softly. "She was found dead in the forests yesterday!" she exclaimed vigorously. Y/n's eyes widened as his mouth parted in shock. "What do you mean? Which forest? What happened?" Y/n asked various of questions as he gripped on to Kanao's shoulders tightly. 

Kanao looked into his teary eyes. "Answer me! Kanao-chan!" he exclaimed. "A demon ate her in a gloomy forest, unfortunately, I came too late," she said as tears gathered in her eyes dramatically and she sniffed. "She was already eaten," she sobbed. Y/n pulled Kanao into a tight hug. "Don't cry, it's not your fault," Y/n cooed as he gently stroke her hair, whispering sweet things to make her stop feeling so guilty, but Y/n himself was sobbing as he dug his face on to Kanao's shoulders, and hugged her tightly. 

After a while, the both of them had gathered themselves, well, more like Y/n only, and Y/n pushed Kanao off of him, gripping on to her shoulders tightly. "I'm so sorry Y/n-san," Kanao whispered. "It's not your fault," he trailed off, he cupped Kanao's face and wiped her tears with his thumbs. "Don't blame yourself, alright?" Y/n smiled. Kanao smiled gently and held his hand. "Okay," she nodded. 

Months went by, and Kanao and Y/n had gotten closer and closer, however, Kanao forced him to stop his demon slayer job and turn him into a kakushi instead. She couldn't risk Y/n to be hurt in any way, and Y/n saw this as a sweet and loving act of caring, but sooner or later, Y/n noticed how possessive and obsessive Kanao had become over him. Whenever he talks to girls, they spook out and ran away, and Kanao was always there. Soon, they both started dating and the obsession started getting worse. 

Kanao locked Y/n's door, as Y/n's body was bounded tightly with ropes, Kanao ripped the duct tape off of his mouth and Y/n looked at her with wide eyes. "Let me go!" he yelled at her face. "Now now darling, we can do anything else but that," Kanao said sternly. She then lowered her face towards Y/n and captured his lips on hers as Y/n forced himself to kiss her back. Kanao then leaned back and stroke his hair gently. 

"You're mine, and you're worth every single ounce of blood I shed for you."

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