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Zenitsu x Fem! Reader 

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Zenitsu x Fem! Reader 

Requested by TheRandomPeep

The night was painted brilliantly dark azure. Zenitsu was screaming as he ran in fast speed, through the woods. "Don't kill me! I don't taste good!" Zenitsu yelled as he cried. "How will I know if I never try?" the demon asked as it crawled after Zenitsu.  Zenitsu dashed even faster, screaming and sobbing at the same time. 

"Zenitsu! Zenitsu!" Y/n shouted with furrowed brows as she couldn't find her boyfriend anywhere. They got seperated since there are 2 demons in the woods, Y/n had defeated one of them while Zenitsu ran off and was supposed to deal with the other demon, but knowing him very well, he won't, unless he is asleep. 

L/n Y/n was a talented and skilled swordsman, her sword was bright blue, matching with her blue haori and uniform that was the same uniform as Zenitsu. Y/n is also known to be a tsundere. The type of girl who would have a cold face and a hotheaded personality, but she have a soft side, and that soft side is only for Zenitsu, her boyfriend. Zenitsu is known to be Y/n's childhood friend, who, over the time, fell in love with Y/n, and Y/n fell in love deeply with Zenitsu too. After a few years of training together, Zenitsu confessed his feelings to Y/n and Y/n accepted it. Zenitsu was a thunder breather as Y/n was a water breather, Zenitsu and Y/n were trained under the same trainer, but soon, when Y/n realized that she wasn't suitable enough, their trainer sent her away to train over at Urokodaki. Zenitsu didn't accept that at all, he followed her through the halls that day, and when it's finally time for her to go, he's sobbed loudly and clung on to her for dear life, but Y/n made a promise to Zenitsu that she'll meet him back at the Final Selection. From then on, the only motivation to make Zenitsu go to the Final Selection was to meet his girlfriend, Y/n. 

"Where is that idiot?" Y/n grumbled. Then there was a familiar sccream that echoed in Y/n's ears. Y/n's eyes widened before she furrowed her brows and started running with wide eyes. Her speed was fast, very fast to be exact. She was galloping into the distance with speed. 

Her breathing was still stable, but her worry has gone over the roof. Then, she saw a familiar blonde running towards her way, and then there was a demon behind him. Y/n furrowed her brows. "Y/n! Y/n!" Zenitsu yelled as he sobbed and ran towards Y/n. "Get behind me!" Y/n yelled. 

Y/n reached out for Zenitsu's hand and pushed him behind her, before she unsheated her blue blade and narrowed her eyes, breathing in the air calmly. "Water breathing, Third form, Flowing dance!" Y/n travelled around with water behind her before she cut the demon's head cleanly and she landed on the ground with two of her feet, she sheathed her blade. 

The demon then turned to ashes and Y/n scanned the area before she walked towards Zenitsu and looked at him worriedly. "Did you get any injuries? Are you all right? I'm sorry for not being there sooner," Y/n rambled. Zenitsu had never seen this side of Y/n, before he started swaying himself left and right, pointing his fingers against each other. "Are you worried for me, Y/n-san?" Zenitsu asked. "Not in a million years, Agatsuma Zenitsu!" Y/n yelled. "My Y/n is worried for me! What a rare side!" Zenitsu said. Y/n slapped him in the face. Zenitsu still stood his ground and swayed back and forth. He started giggling as y/n raised her brows, feeling a bit creeped out. "Kiss me!" "In your dreams." 

"But you are my dream!" Zenitsu exclaimed. Y/n's face turned red. "Shut- Shut up," Y/n said. "Y/n, you're so cute when you're flustered," Zenitsu said. Y/n's face turned even more redder. "Idiot," Y/n furrowed her brows before walking off. 

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