✦ | Overly In Love

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tanjiro x fem!readertw : blood, yandere behaviour, possessive lowercase intended! tanjiro's personality is not him at all in this story!

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tanjiro x fem!reader
tw : blood, yandere behaviour, possessive 
lowercase intended! tanjiro's personality is not him at all in this story!

Y/N HAD JUST REALIZED THAT HER BOYFRIEND, kamado tanjiro is absolutely insane. she realized that he was dangerous, and she tried to escape but she couldn't, she was trapped inside a cage filled with toxic love. as y/n was chatting with her comrades happily, a pair of wide burgundy eyes peered at them both through the bushes as his eyes twitched. 

"and the demon was like waa!" the demon slayer said as y/n giggled happily, tanjiro's hands curled up into fists before he quickly collected himself and walked over to the two. "hello," he greeted them with a smile. "what are you guys talking about?" tanjiro raised a brow happily. "ah, tanjiro-san!" the demon slayer exclaimed brightly. "hey darling, oh, we're just talking about our last missions," y/n grinned at tanjiro as tanjiro felt his heart melting at the sight of her beautiful smile. 

"may i join in?" tanjiro tilted his head. "of course, we don't mind," y/n said. as the three of them began conversing in a rather serious topic about demons, tanjiro couldn't help but glare fiercely at the demon slayer who was completely aware about his glare. it was as if the demon slayer knew what he was telling him: i'll kill you. 

the demon slayer tried to ignore the deadly presence of the burgundy haired boy, but he just couldn't shake off the feeling of being stared at. "excuse me, but y/n, can i have a small chat with kumabo?" tanjiro asked brightly as y/n beamed. "of course! have fun you two!" she exclaimed happily before catching the distressed look of kumabo who was furiously shaking his head, tanjiro grabbed him by his arm before dragging him away. 

y/n watched their retreating forms as y/n shrugged, looking around for something to do, eventually, she ended up sitting at the engawa of the butterfly estate as she waited patiently for tanjiro and kumabo, but the both of them never came back. y/n felt a jolt of worry in her heart before she was lead by her own legs towards where they were 'chatting' at. 

as y/n walked through the forest, her e/c hues widened as she saw a bloody mess in front of her, in front, there was tanjiro who was continuously stabbing kumabo with his black blade as kumabo's face was absolutely destroyed and unshaped. his head was decapitated from his body as she could see kumabo's sword, impaling kumabo's heart. 

"die you piece of crap, how could you get so close to my precious y/n," he muttered incoherently as he smelled the air, before picking up y/n's scent, he turned to her with blood all over his body and smiled happily at the sight of her terrified look. she stood there, frozen in shock, she wanted to puke, but she couldn't, she was frozen that she couldn't even breathe. 

"why?" y/n mumbled as tears gathered in her eyes. "why are you doing this? are you insane?!" y/n yelled at him. "why would you do this to him? he did nothing wrong!" she cried as tears fell and tanjiro's eyes twitched. "do you want to know why i did this? i did this out of love! i'm doing this out of love," he exclaimed as a maniacal laugh followed his dark deep voice. 

y/n saw tanjiro standing up before making his way towards her, y/n immediately was about to run away before his hand grabbed her by the arm before pinning her down on the ground, stabbing the blade next to her head as a warning. y/n looked up at him with wide eyes as he stared at her with amused shrunken red pupils that held a hint of maliciousness and satisfaction. 

"let me see your pretty smile."

"go on now, smile, smile like how you smiled with him!" he said with his hand caressing her cheeks and y/n tried to push him off, but she couldn't because of his body being bigger than hers. "don't push me away darling, you know i'm only coming back," he sneered happily as y/n gave up and forced a smile, tears escaping from her eyes sadly. 

"don't cry now, are you scared of me?" he asked, his face softening a bit, but y/n's heart clenched, her silence made his patience snap even further. "answer me," he hissed in her ear as y/n nodded silently and he suddenly looked at her with pity. "pretend you never saw that. i can't stand it when you look so scared," he continued caressing her cheeks. 

"now, you'll be talking to no one other than me, you got that dear? all i want is you, and all i need is you! all you need is me, and all you ever want is me."

[ notes ] : 

- tee hee, i loved making this ^^

- tee hee, i loved making this ^^

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