✦ | Stay With Me

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M!Reader x Shinobu

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M!Reader x Shinobu

tw : stab. 

Y/n looked at Shinobu with an innocent look on his face. "Why are you mad at me?" he asked with a small voice. Shinobu glared at him with an even more terrifying glare. "You almost got killed, and you were so careless about your moves!" Shinobu exclaimed. "Do you know how much I worry?" Shinobu said as she tried to take small breaths, assuring herself that her boyfriend was okay. Y/n looked away guiltily. 

The demon had taken his sword and stabbed him repeatedly on his shoulders, making him having severe blood loss. "Well, I'm still here, aren't I?" Y/n asked.

Shinobu looked away, her purple eyes were still upset. "Hey, dear," Y/n said as he reached out for Shinobu's palms then held it in his own hands. "Dear, I'm so sorry to cause you such worries," Y/n mumbled. "And I'm sorry for not being able to return to your arms safely, but hey, I got here in one piece," Y/n smiled, then he hugged her by the waist and buried his face deeply in her stomach. 

Shinobu's eyes softened before she looked down and pat Y/n's hair. "But don't do that again, okay?" Shinobu asked. "I promise, I promise," Y/n said. "Don't break this promise, all right?" Shinobu said while placing her hands on his chin then, lifting it up, making eye contact. 

Y/n sighed. "Don't worry. I won't get killed by a demon," Y/n said. "I'm a Hashira after all," he said. That's true, he is the Cloud Pillar after all, being best friends with the mist. He is known to have h/c hair, and e/c eyes. He is known to be the one who managed to kill over 50 demons. He had been in the Demon Slayer Corps since he was 12, making him very trained and skilled. 

Shinobu then leaned in and captured Y/n's lips in a kiss. Her and Y/n's lips moved in sync before Y/n pulled away and nuzzled his nose to Shinobu's nose. 

"The only thing that's beneficial from me getting hurt is that, finally, after all this time, I can hold you in my arms and kiss you even if it's just for a second," Y/n smiled appreciatively at Shinobu. 

"Well, dear, if you go all through that again just for my attention, I will surely give you attention," Shinobu said with an irk mark on her face, yet a sweet smile. "All right, at least you give me attention, I'm all right," Y/n smiled. Shinobu furrowed her brows before smiling and had a small blush spread over her cheeks. "I'm still healing," Y/n said. "And the only medicine for me to cure faster is you," Y/n said. 

"So, you better stay with me," Y/n smiled before he buried his face in Shinobu's chest and smiled. Shinobu pat his back and smiled. "All right."

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𝐀𝐋𝐎𝐍𝐄 𝐅𝐎𝐑𝐄𝐕𝐄𝐑 ━ 𝑑𝑒𝑚𝑜𝑛 𝑠𝑙𝑎𝑦𝑒𝑟 𝑜𝑛𝑒𝑠ℎ𝑜𝑡𝑠 [✓]Where stories live. Discover now